Okay, I clicked on “Presentation” menu and then I clicked on “Theme Editor.” The “Browsing style.css” page appeared. On the sidebar, I clicked on the Header link and the “Browsing header.php” window displayed. You noted in your answer to me to “open the header.php file for the Kubrick theme and the said instructions should be in there.” I read the instructions and it read: “To ease the insertion of a personal header image, I have done it in such a way, that you simply drop in an image called ‘personal header.jpg’ into your (images/directory…”
Okay, how do I “…simply drop in an image…into…/images/directory…” Where is the images/directory? I just want to be able to upload a new header image. How do I do this? I do not get enough information from the header.php instructions. I need more HELP.