• Plugin Author AITpro


    Setup Wizard AutoFix (AutoWhitelist|AutoSetup|AutoCleanup) checks which plugins and themes you currently have installed and will display a BPS Setup Wizard AutoFix Notice to run the BPS Setup Wizard if any currently installed plugins or themes require Custom Code whitelist rules or AutoSetup. The BPS Setup Wizard automatically creates BPS Custom Code whitelist rules for known issues with any plugins and themes that need Custom Code whitelist rules. Setup Wizard AutoFix also automatically sets up and cleans up caching plugin’s htaccess code for these WordPress caching plugins: WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache, Comet Cache Plugin (free & Pro), WP Fastest Cache Plugin (free & Premium), Endurance Page Cache and WP Rocket.

    List of plugins and themes that have AutoFixes (BPS Pro 13+ & BPS 2.0+ versions): https://forum.ait-pro.com/forums/topic/setup-wizard-autofix/

    AutoWhitelist: The Setup Wizard AutoFix feature automatically creates Custom Code whitelist rules for 100+ known issues with plugins and themes. Previous versions of BPS and BPS Pro required doing a manual copy and paste solution to manually add Custom Code whitelist rules to BPS Custom Code.

    AutoSetup: The Setup Wizard AutoFix feature automatically gets htaccess caching code from caching plugins (WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache, Comet Cache Plugin (free & Pro), WP Fastest Cache Plugin (free & Premium), Endurance Page Cache and WP Rocket) and saves caching plugin’s htaccess code in BPS Custom Code. Previous versions of BPS and BPS Pro required doing a manual copy and paste solution to manually add caching plugin’s htaccess code to BPS Custom Code.

    AutoCleanup: The Setup Wizard AutoFix feature automatically removes any existing caching plugin’s htaccess code in BPS Custom Code and the Root htaccess file if the caching plugin is no longer activated or installed. Example scenario: You have Plugin X Caching plugin installed and decide to try Plugin Y Caching plugin. Setup Wizard AutoFix (AutoCleanup) will automatically remove any existing htaccess code from BPS Custom Code and the Root htaccess file for Plugin X Caching plugin. At the same time Setup Wizard AutoFix (AutoSetup) will automatically create Plugin Y’s Caching code in BPS Custom Code and the Root htaccess file. So instead of having to manually add or remove any caching plugin’s htaccess code in BPS Custom Code, the Setup Wizard AutoFix feature will automatically do that when you run the BPS Setup Wizard.

    AutoFix Debugging: BPS UI|UX Settings page > BPS UI|UX|AutoFix Debug: Turning On the BPS UI|UX|AutoFix Debug option will display: plugin or theme names and the BPS Custom Code text box where plugins or themes should be creating Custom Code whitelist rules. Usage: If the BPS Setup Wizard AutoFix (AutoWhitelist|AutoSetup|AutoCleanup) Notice is still being displayed after running the Pre-Installation Wizard and Setup Wizard then the BPS UI|UX|AutoFix Debug option should be turned On to find the exact plugin or theme and the Custom Code text box where the problem is occurring. Example Debug Displayed message: CC Root Text Box 10: WooCommerce Plugin. This option could also be used generally to see which plugins and themes BPS AutoFix is creating Custom Code whitelist rules for and which Custom Code text boxes the AutoFix whitelist rules will be created in.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by AITpro.
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