New install on WP 3.5 multisite, changes in settings are not being saved
I just upgraded to WP 3.5, and then installed Subscribe2. I network activated it, and when I go into one of the network sites and try to change any settings under wp-admin/admin.php?page=s2_settings, and then click submit, everything is unchecked/unselected. None of the changes are sticking.
I’m using this plugin on a few standalone sites without any problem on a different server.
Any suggestions are most welcome.
Subscribe2 should not be ‘Network Activated’ on WordPress Multisite but instead the plugins menu should be enabled with Subscribe2 then activated in a site by site basis. Try that and it should work better.
Thank you for the suggestion. I network deactivated it and then activated it for one site. But again, if I change anything in the settings (such as the time to send digest notification), and click Submit, the setting immediately reverts.
The digest time setting is ignored if the frequency is less often than daily. But if it is applying to other settings then something strange is happening.
What version of WordPress and Subscribe2 are you using? Have you checked for plugin and theme conflicts?
WordPress 3.5 and Subscribe2 8.7.
I just realized something very odd, too – I did the installation on my test server first, and it works fine there. They are both running the identical version of everything – WordPress, plugins, mysql, php, apache… Now I am really confused as to why this one is acting strangely.
I deleted the plugin, including the wp_15_subscribe2, wp_16_subscribe2, etc. tables that did not get deleted during the deletion. I then reinstalled it. Same thing ??
That is very weird. First thing that springs to mid is to re-install WordPress on the live site and double check that all the settings are pointing to the correct database and domain (i.e. no cross over with the old test server locations).
Unfortunately, that is not an option. The powers that be will say to forget about subscribe2 ?? And I know it’s the best choice of a plugin for what we need.
I had actually copied the live server – the database and the wordpress directory – over to the test server environment before I upgraded the test server from 3.4.2 to 3.5 and installed subscribe2. Then I did the upgrade and install on the live server. So any problems in the live server *should* have propagated to the test serer.
Any other suggestions? I just tried copying the subscribe2_options option_value from the test server to the live server for wp_15_options, but I’m still seeing the same behavior.
a:40:{s:7:"autosub";s:2:"no";s:15:"newreg_override";s:2:"no";s:8:"wpregdef";s:2:"no";s:10:"autoformat";s:7:"excerpt";s:12:"show_autosub";s:3:"yes";s:11:"autosub_def";s:3:"yes";s:12:"comment_subs";s:2:"no";s:11:"comment_def";s:2:"no";s:17:"one_click_profile";s:2:"no";s:8:"bcclimit";i:1;s:11:"admin_email";s:4:"none";s:8:"tracking";s:0:"";s:6:"s2page";i:2;s:10:"stylesheet";s:3:"yes";s:5:"pages";s:2:"no";s:8:"password";s:2:"no";s:8:"stickies";s:2:"no";s:7:"private";s:2:"no";s:10:"email_freq";s:5:"never";s:10:"cron_order";s:4:"desc";s:10:"compulsory";s:0:"";s:7:"exclude";s:0:"";s:6:"sender";s:8:"blogname";s:12:"reg_override";s:1:"1";s:9:"show_meta";s:1:"1";s:11:"show_button";s:1:"1";s:4:"ajax";s:1:"1";s:6:"widget";s:1:"1";s:13:"counterwidget";s:0:"";s:14:"s2meta_default";s:0:"";s:7:"entries";i:25;s:6:"barred";s:0:"";s:15:"exclude_formats";s:0:"";s:8:"mailtext";s:215:"{BLOGNAME} has posted a new item, '{TITLE}' {POST} You may view the latest post at {PERMALINK} You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are posted. Best regards, {MYNAME} {EMAIL}";s:20:"notification_subject";s:20:"[{BLOGNAME}] {TITLE}";s:13:"confirm_email";s:229:"{BLOGNAME} has received a request to {ACTION} for this email address. To complete your request please click on the link below: {LINK} If you did not request this, please feel free to disregard this notice! Thank you, {MYNAME}.";s:15:"confirm_subject";s:40:"[{BLOGNAME}] Please confirm your request";s:12:"remind_email";s:348:"This email address was subscribed for notifications at {BLOGNAME} ({BLOGLINK}) but the subscription remains incomplete. If you wish to complete your subscription please click on the link below: {LINK} If you do not wish to complete your subscription please ignore this email and your address will be removed from our database. Regards, {MYNAME}";s:14:"remind_subject";s:34:"[{BLOGNAME}] Subscription Reminder";s:7:"version";s:3:"8.7";}
Unfortunately, that is not an option. The powers that be will say to forget about subscribe2 ?? And I know it’s the best choice of a plugin for what we need.
I had actually copied the live server – the database and the wordpress directory – over to the test server environment before I upgraded the test server from 3.4.2 to 3.5 and installed subscribe2. Then I did the upgrade and install on the live server. So any problems in the live server *should* have propagated to the test serer.
Any other suggestions? I just tried copying the subscribe2_options option_value from the test server to the live server for wp_15_options, but I’m still seeing the same behavior.
a:40:{s:7:"autosub";s:2:"no";s:15:"newreg_override";s:2:"no";s:8:"wpregdef";s:2:"no";s:10:"autoformat";s:7:"excerpt";s:12:"show_autosub";s:3:"yes";s:11:"autosub_def";s:3:"yes";s:12:"comment_subs";s:2:"no";s:11:"comment_def";s:2:"no";s:17:"one_click_profile";s:2:"no";s:8:"bcclimit";i:1;s:11:"admin_email";s:4:"none";s:8:"tracking";s:0:"";s:6:"s2page";i:2;s:10:"stylesheet";s:3:"yes";s:5:"pages";s:2:"no";s:8:"password";s:2:"no";s:8:"stickies";s:2:"no";s:7:"private";s:2:"no";s:10:"email_freq";s:5:"never";s:10:"cron_order";s:4:"desc";s:10:"compulsory";s:0:"";s:7:"exclude";s:0:"";s:6:"sender";s:8:"blogname";s:12:"reg_override";s:1:"1";s:9:"show_meta";s:1:"1";s:11:"show_button";s:1:"1";s:4:"ajax";s:1:"1";s:6:"widget";s:1:"1";s:13:"counterwidget";s:0:"";s:14:"s2meta_default";s:0:"";s:7:"entries";i:25;s:6:"barred";s:0:"";s:15:"exclude_formats";s:0:"";s:8:"mailtext";s:215:"{BLOGNAME} has posted a new item, '{TITLE}' {POST} You may view the latest post at {PERMALINK} You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are posted. Best regards, {MYNAME} {EMAIL}";s:20:"notification_subject";s:20:"[{BLOGNAME}] {TITLE}";s:13:"confirm_email";s:229:"{BLOGNAME} has received a request to {ACTION} for this email address. To complete your request please click on the link below: {LINK} If you did not request this, please feel free to disregard this notice! Thank you, {MYNAME}.";s:15:"confirm_subject";s:40:"[{BLOGNAME}] Please confirm your request";s:12:"remind_email";s:348:"This email address was subscribed for notifications at {BLOGNAME} ({BLOGLINK}) but the subscription remains incomplete. If you wish to complete your subscription please click on the link below: {LINK} If you do not wish to complete your subscription please ignore this email and your address will be removed from our database. Regards, {MYNAME}";s:14:"remind_subject";s:34:"[{BLOGNAME}] Subscription Reminder";s:7:"version";s:3:"8.7";}
Sorry for the double post. The WordPress server threw an nginx bad gateway error, so I assumed it didn’t post the first time.
Ah, now then, in copying the data between sites you may have inadvertently corrupted the serialised array that contains the options. Try hitting Reset on the Settings page and then you’ll have to manually re-apply all of your settings, but if it fixes it it’s worth a shot.
Sorry if I was unclear – I did not install subscribe2 until after I copied the data between the servers. And the server that subscribe2 is not working on is the original live server, not the one I copied the data to.
But, guess what – hitting Reset fixed the problem on the live server ?? Thanks!
My explanation and understanding wasn’t quite correct then but the issue caused and the solution appear to have been right. I’m glad you are back working.
I’m having the same problem but don’t see a Reset Button. Am I looking on Network Settings on the Dashboard?
Please download and try the development version, there is a bug that might be contributing to your issues that is fixed in the development code.
So do I inactivate copies for all Subscribe2 users’ on my multi-user network, delete the old version of Subscribe at the network level and then install the new version? Finally, active the user versions?Tim
Inactivate the plugin if you can (may not be viable on huge Multisite installs), do not delete it or you will invoke the uninstall script and erase all settings.
Copy the new code over the existing and reactive any sites where you deactivated the code.
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