• Hi all, I have my WP-blog here, where you can see that line-breaks are not working, and no matter how many times i hit the “Return” button, when I post the text is all “squeezed together” into one paragraph.

    Witch I’m sure all can agree, is unacceptable ??

    I usually use MarsEdit to post to my blog, but have also tried Ecto and tried posting directly from the CP.

    Is there a checkbox I’ve missed in the CP, or a line that I need to edit in some setup-file to correct this behavior, because it’s totally unacceptable and I’d so like to continue with WordPress witch I’ve fallen in love with, this issue aside.

    Please, please help me!

    Thomas from Denmark ??

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  • Looks like this is a CSS issue. Something in your CSS appears to be stripping out the default margins on the <p> tag. I suggest you amend 1 of your current 21(!) css files and add margin-bottom:1em; to the generic p tag.

    Same thing here… unfortunately, the answer pertains to a programmer, not an average blogger.

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