New media not getting uploaded in the wordpress blog?
I wanted to reduce the load time for my blog, for which I decided to read an article and follow the instructions. Link of the article that I read is .
Process followed with the intent that I can move my images from to so i created a sub domain for images for my blog.
I am stuck now with the fact that one of my image is not showing on my blog and new media that I am uploading is also not showing.
Let me elaborate to make things clear..
When I upload new media ie any image on a new post now, it does not show on the page, but when I click on edit image ( which is supposed to be used for image cropping). I can see the image there. I hope my problem is understood. Pl. help to resolve the issue.Should you have a need to have a look at the way image is looking at my blog, pl. check it on the link – this will give you clear idea of what i am talking about . pl. help
Harish bali
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