I think you’ve misunderstood what I’m after.
Using only core WP media library functions, is there a way to create specific directories that each set of files will be uploaded into? As it is right now, if I’m understanding it correctly, when you insert anything, or create any gallery, the images are only available as one huge list of files–even though they upload by months, day, etc, if you set that option.
Put another way, there is no list of galleries with each subsequent galleries’ images, even with the ‘new’ media library functions.
I’m using NextGEN gallery right now which does do this, but it is limited in the opposite–single files are a list of all files, or some files, although it does categorize images by “gallery name, ID.” So if I use NextGEN gallery to insert one image, I either need to search through or type in each files name. The biggest limitation of the NextGEN gallery, currently, is that it does not support files other than graphic types 9not PDF, etc) so I can’t use tit to categorized files.
I think what I will do is create a directory using FTP and use that directory to like by URL to specific files I want.
It would just be nice to have a WP media library that was more useable. As it is right now, the only files I have in the media library are my header images, and that’s waste of code.
There is a plug-in that allows one to categorize all media files into specific categories, but when you first upload the images/files, you cannot assign them to a specific category. You have to manually find them, then assign the category. So if you have thousands of files, good luck with that.