• coleburg


    I have asked many times, but never get a reply from the support guys but I will try one more time before removing the plug in and using another that works.

    When I get a new user they do not get assigned a role, I have to manually change their role in their user account.

    I have followed the support docs and as far as I can see there is no issues with the API, i have posted snips from the debug.

    please help


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  • Thread Starter coleburg


    shocker, no reply

    Thread Starter coleburg


    final attempt to get some support for this plug in.

    I have the same issue and I have been trying to find the resolution with no luck. All of the PMP results are locked until I purchase support. I’m not spending $197 to find out IF the dang plugin will suit my needs. This is ridiculous. I just want to set up a free subscription level and see if it works. If it did, I would purchase the support/addons.

    I have used Woocommerce with groups and subscriptions with success on other sites, but I thought I would see if PMP was a better solution. Apparently, it isn’t.

    Thread Starter coleburg


    I am in contact with support at the moment, if it gets resolved I will let you know the fix

    Thank you!

    We are sorry you feel you are not getting support here.
    Remember we ‘give’ you totally free the FULL PMPro plugin ( minus some paid add ons)

    Most plugins give you a limited versions free (with limited support) and when you pay you get the full version. PMPro gives you the Full version up front with limited support.
    We have a paid support area where we answer and solve EVERY members questions.

    We strive to answer some basic problems that members have but where it is more of a major problem a lot of the time it has been answered or solved in the Support area. If it hasnt, it will be.

    If we solved every question in here then why would anyone want Paid support?.

    This is Jasons business and he has to make a living somehow.

    If you find you are not getting the answer in here try to google it and you could find the answer on the net somewhere. I personally have done that many times.

    I know this will not be the answer you want, but if you are serious about your site and how it works, then support in the PMPro forums is a must if you have any questions.

    Thread Starter coleburg


    The problem is we both have a plug in that doesnt work, so why would we pay for it?

    The option for us if we dont get it working is move to wp-members, but we have tried to get the answers here first which are not coming.

    Hi Pete!

    I think you’re missing our point. We aren’t asking for EVERY question to be answered, just the initial setup of the plugin. I understand that this plugin is free to install. That’s great! Thank you so much! It is a very robust plugin with lots of options, which should make it an ideal set up for the type of site I’m building, BUT, if I am having an issue with getting it set up in the first place, then what is the value of paying for all of the support? I found that this same question popped up in many forums regarding the setup of your plugin.

    I had this same issue with Paid Memberships Pro last year for another client. We did purchase the support at that time – when there was only one support level. Trying to find solutions was a tedious nightmare and the two times I did submit support questions, I didn’t get answers. So we went with WooCommerce, Groups, and Subscriptions and the client is very successful with their site.

    I was hoping that PMP had evolved a bit since then because there is now another level of support. I’m not a developer, that’s why I need a plugin. I have googled the crap out of my issue and all of the results lead back to your site with locked posts. Wouldn’t it behoove you and your bosses to help us get the plugin initially going? Then I would need to add all of those rocking add-ons and want to enhance the site with them and PAY FOR THAT.

    If I had $197 to throw around to just TRY a plugin, then I would just go with what I know, which is all of the woo stuff. The site I’m working on is small and they don’t need all of that yet, just a simple free membership system that will grow with them if they do get big and can add paid subscriptions.

    Ironically, with all of the google searching I did trying to solve what I’m sure is a simple thing with your plugin, I found another solution that works to get the site launched.

    Thread Starter coleburg


    Dishyart, please let me know the solution, whether its a fix with this or I have to move to another plug in, I need to get something up and running soon.

    I have a feeling with them pushing for $197 to get the basics of this free app and running could spell the end of this plug in / developer as no one in their right mind would pay and hope that it gets resolved.

    Just to let you know, after a couple emails too and from their support team, once I forwarded the logs to them I haven’t heard anything since. If that’s the quality of their support, I wouldn’t want to pay $1 for it!

    Plugin Author Jason Coleman


    Coleburg, we’ve answered this as much as possible for you in your first thread (https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/new-users-not-being-given-membership-status?replies=14#post-7624641) and then in your 1-star review (https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/membership-levels-not-assigned?replies=4). There is an issue with PayPal IPN connecting to your site. These issues come up for a small subset of users, and we linked you to a troubleshooting guide (https://www.paidmembershipspro.com/troubleshooting-paypal-ipn-issues-with-paypal-express-paypal-standard-or-paypal-website-payments-pro/) that might help you to figure this out.

    I understand that working through the troubleshooting guide is tough. It gets rather technical. And sometimes something really obscure is going on to keep PayPal from communicating with your site. I’m sorry things don’t just work for you in this case.

    I searched and found your emails. There wasn’t enough information in the info you sent to aid you further (it’s the same stuff as in your thread and I would give the same response), and really we cannot and will not provide the level of support needed here (me getting on the phone to get all the access I need to basically fix this for you by hand) without charging for it. We even sent you a discount code, but your not willing to even spend $47 to fix this.

    There are tens of thousands of sites using Paid Memberships Pro, and it costs us hundreds of thousands of dollars per year to maintain and support it. The math just doesn’t add up. PMPro does “just work” for lots of folks, but not in your case, and I’m honestly sorry you have that issue and don’t have the money or skills to get it fixed.

    > If that’s the quality of their support, I wouldn’t want to pay $1 for it!

    This comes up a lot, but to be clear the order of things is (1) you pay for our paid support, (2) we provide support, (3) you can get your money back if you are unhappy.

    dishyart, I’m not sure you’re experiencing the same issues, unless I suppose you mean the issue that I won’t spend money to offer free support here.

    > I just want to set up a free subscription level and see if it works.

    Coleburg is having issues with paid levels linked to PayPal Standard. You’ve written a lot of text here and on Coleburg’s other thread, but I actually don’t see any mention of your specific issue. You could try to open a new thread on the forums here and state as much information about what is happening and what you expect to happen/etc.

    > Ironically, with all of the google searching I did trying to solve what I’m sure is a simple thing with your plugin, I found another solution that works to get the site launched.

    Awesome. Be sure to share with everyone here.

    Since this is basically a gripe thread at this point, I’m going to mark it as “not a support question”. Feel free to continue to bash the plugin if that’s your MO. It’s good to vent.

    dishyart seems to have found another solution. I recommend you move on as well, Coleburg. Paid Memberships Pro doesn’t work for every site, situation, or person.

    Plugin Author Jason Coleman


    > final attempt to get some support for this plug in.

    I missed this earlier, but I hope it’s true. Good luck with the site. I hope you figure it out. Honestly.

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