• Since a couple of month where they changed the name of the plugin, automated backups don’t work and manually triggered backups never end.

    I keep getting the following message:

    Hello there! We see that you have a Premium BoldGrid Connect Key and you have the Total Upkeep plugin activated! Click here to download the Total Upkeep Premium plugin and gain access to more features! After the download completes, go to Plugins ? Add New and click the Upload Plugin button at the top of the page to upload your new plugin.

    I do the requested and then get the following mesage:

    Unpacking the package…

    There has been a critical error on your website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.

    I never get the mail, even when I know it correct configured, since I have tested it.

    Tried to explain this to my webhosting company, but they just see the plug-in as installed and tell me to get to the plugin developers, and since I am using a payed hosted wordpress, develpers send me to the Hosting.

    Before the name change, everything was working perfectly.

    I just now have to check and pray for some of the automated backups of my site actually finish, and this happens 1 every 2 weeks


    • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by esepulvedacr.
Viewing 12 replies - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)
  • Plugin Author Brad Markle


    Hi @esepulvedacr,

    I’m really sorry to hear about the poor experience you’re having with the Total Upkeep plugin, and I really want to make things right.

    There has been a critical error on your website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.

    Do you by chance still have that email? Can you share with us the error message that was in that email?

    – Brad

    Thread Starter esepulvedacr


    Hi Brad, thanks for replying, the problem is that no email is sent, I have even enter my site by SFTP and checked the corresponding folders, nothing is created.


    Plugin Author Brad Markle


    Hi @esepulvedacr, thanks for getting back to me. I’ve been working on a new logging feature for Total Upkeep that will, well, keep logs ?? I think we’ll be able to launch it tomorrow, and it should help greatly in identifying what the errors are so we can fix them much faster.

    – Brad

    Thread Starter esepulvedacr


    Thanks again Brad, I’ll be more than glad to install.


    Plugin Author Brad Markle


    Hi @esepulvedacr, we just released Total Upkeep 1.12.5, which includes a new logging system.

    Here’s a quick rundown of how it works:

    1. When a backup starts, a log file will be written.
    2. To view the log files, got to Total Upkeep > Tools > Logs > Click any of the log files.

    If things don’t appear to be working right after your next backup, take a look at the logs, and feel free to post a log so we can help troubleshoot further.

    – Brad

    Thread Starter esepulvedacr


    Hi Brad, I installed the update and triggered a backup, it never finished, and here’s the log:

    [2020-01-14 21:45:07 UTC] Backup process initialized.
    [2020-01-14 21:45:08 UTC] Starting dump of database...
    [2020-01-14 21:45:08 UTC] Memory usage - limit / current / peak memory usage: 90M / 47732192 (45.52 MB) / 47916704 (46 MB)
    [2020-01-14 21:45:08 UTC] Dump of database complete! $status = 1
    [2020-01-14 21:45:08 UTC] Memory usage - limit / current / peak memory usage: 90M / 47738160 (45.53 MB) / 49544632 (47 MB)
    [2020-01-14 21:45:52 UTC] Database dump file added to file list: /home/ABC/boldgrid_backup/ABC__1.20200114-214508.sql / 1617007 (1.54 MB)
    [2020-01-14 21:45:52 UTC] Starting archiving of files. Chosen compressor: php_zip
    [2020-01-14 21:45:52 UTC] Memory usage - limit / current / peak memory usage: 90M / 61550392 (58.70 MB) / 63078784 (60 MB)
    [2020-01-14 21:45:55 UTC] Total files / size archived: 18630 / 248369985 (236.86 MB)

    Any feedback on how to end up with a backup, or finally have my premium key activated, would be appreciated.


    Plugin Author Brad Markle


    Hi @esepulvedacr, thanks for getting back to me so soon!

    It looks like the plugin is dumping the database and adding all the files to the zip. but when it actually tries to save the .zip file, it fails.

    We’ll need to do a bit more work on the logging, I’ll get back to you soon.

    On a side note, are you by chance running a caching plugin, like W3 Total Cache? We’ve seen in the past that caching plugins may be deleting cache files in the middle of a backup, and that is causing the saving of the .zip to fail because it’s trying to add a file that has been deleted.

    – Brad

    Plugin Author Brad Markle


    Hi @esepulvedacr,

    So the last time we left off, your backup stopped half way, but there were no errors in the logs. I tested again, and I was able to replicate a few errors and they did show in the logs:

    Exceeding Memory:

    [2020-01-15 19:35:58 UTC] PHP shutdown - Error found: Array
        [type] => 1
        [message] => Allowed memory size of 52428800 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2097160 bytes)
        [file] => /home/user/public_html/wp-content/plugins/boldgrid-backup/admin/class-boldgrid-backup-admin-core.php
        [line] => 1337

    Trying to add files to the zip that were just removed (like a cache file being deleted in the middle of a backup:

    [2020-01-15 19:38:02 UTC] PHP shutdown - Error found: Array
        [type] => 2
        [message] => ZipArchive::close(): Read error: No such file or directory
        [file] => /home/user/public_html/wp-content/plugins/boldgrid-backup/admin/compressor/class-boldgrid-backup-admin-compressor-php-zip.php
        [line] => 261

    Max execution time being reached:

    [2020-01-15 20:04:05 UTC] PHP shutdown - Error found: Array
        [type] => 1
        [message] => Maximum execution time of 1 second exceeded
        [file] => /home/user/public_html/wp-content/plugins/boldgrid-backup/admin/class-boldgrid-backup-admin-core.php
        [line] => 1320

    Another reason that your backup may have ended abruptly is if your hosting provider has something running that kills processes if they use too many resources. I looked into this, and we can actually catch if this happens. As long as your host doesn’t kill the backup process using something called kill -9 AND you’re running PHP 7.1 or higher, we can check for the process being killed.

    We just released another patch, Total Upkeep 1.12.6, that checks for this. If the backup process is killed, it will show something similar to this in the logs:

    [2020-01-16 16:10:26 UTC] Signal received: 15

    – Brad

    Thread Starter esepulvedacr


    Hi Brad, thanks again for keep helping me out here.

    I triggered again the backup, and it didn’t got created, here’s the log:

    [2020-01-16 21:38:48 UTC] PHP Version: 7.3.12
    [2020-01-16 21:38:48 UTC] WordPress Version: 5.3.2
    [2020-01-16 21:38:48 UTC] Total Upkeep version: 1.12.6
    [2020-01-16 21:38:48 UTC] Backup process initialized.
    [2020-01-16 21:38:49 UTC] Starting dump of database...
    [2020-01-16 21:38:49 UTC] Memory usage - limit / current / peak memory usage: 90M / 47584608 (45.38 MB) / 47772048 (46 MB)
    [2020-01-16 21:38:49 UTC] Dump of database complete! $status = 1
    [2020-01-16 21:38:49 UTC] Memory usage - limit / current / peak memory usage: 90M / 47656112 (45.45 MB) / 49544504 (47 MB)
    [2020-01-16 21:39:46 UTC] Database dump file added to file list: /home/ABC/boldgrid_backup/ABC__1.20200116-213849.sql / 1634171 (1.56 MB)
    [2020-01-16 21:39:46 UTC] Starting archiving of files. Chosen compressor: php_zip
    [2020-01-16 21:39:46 UTC] Memory usage - limit / current / peak memory usage: 90M / 61482968 (58.63 MB) / 63011360 (60 MB)
    [2020-01-16 21:39:50 UTC] Total files / size archived: 18652 / 249622232 (238.06 MB)
    [2020-01-16 21:39:50 UTC] Starting to close the zip file.
    [2020-01-16 21:39:50 UTC] Memory usage - limit / current / peak memory usage: 90M / 61742104 (58.88 MB) / 63011360 (60 MB)
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by esepulvedacr.
    Plugin Author Brad Markle


    Hi @esepulvedacr,

    It seems like what whatever I try, I’m not getting any closer to getting any type of error message from your WordPress. I appreciate you hanging in there and helping to troubleshoot!

    At this point, I’m thinking 2 things:

    1. You have another plugin running that is conflicting with Total Upkeep
    2. Your hosting provider has a script running that is killing the backup with a kill -9, which is not allowing us to get any type of error message.

    I’d like to tackle the first item above first, but I need to know which plugins you’re running so I can replicate it in my environment.

    Are you willing to share this info with me? You can get this info by going to your WordPress Dashboard > Tools > Site Health > Info > Copy site into to clipboard

    – Brad

    Plugin Author Brad Markle


    Hi @esepulvedacr, you had sent me a message the other day on WordPress Slack. It looks like you haven’t found the time to respond, I just wanted to chime in here to let you know that I did respond.

    – Brad

    Thread Starter esepulvedacr


    After 1 month of constant help, @bwmarkle was able to find the root cause of the issue that my site was having, and I can now say that I am back in the happy wagon.

    Thanks a lot for all your help.


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