• Notable displays a series of icons below each post allowing your readers to easily submit you to many different social bookmarking and networking sites. (del.icio.us, digg, fark, etc.)

    This is the latest in my BlogBling series of plugins.

    Project Page

    As always questions and comments are always welcome.

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  • Hi Cal, I got everything working, except for one part. When I submit a post to fark, the form does not recieve any of the information from my site. Maybe I’m mistaken but it should automaatically fill in with a link to my site, among other information…Any ideas?

    check it here.


    With WP 2.0.3 and wp-notable 1.14 I have to turn off digg, magnolia and segnalo or my page won’t validate.

    Is this because these services choke on the use of &?

    @ Yosemite

    I am having the same problems, only that it seems to be with every option, not just the three you listed. My blog looks perfectly fine, but the Validator absolutely freaks out and gives me over 170 errors on my website, sevenstripes.com/blog.

    Have you had any luck Yosemite?

    Not with Notable… I switched to Sociable 1.2 and it works well, and validates ;’)

    Hi – I installed the plugin and activated it just fine. I see the “notable” tab under options, however when I go there all I see is:

    1.5 — Support Forums
    0.05 seconds
    Get Firefox


    Thanks a lot!

    [email protected]

    PJ Brunet


    Add a button that will automatically blog my posts at the top of the front page of TechCrunch, TechMeme, Netscape and Digg please.

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