For example. A loop start here and ends here????????
If you want to write a new one, you input the code. If you want to modify something, you search for it to make changes.
Why isn’t this already in WP as standard.
It is, but you need a theme which supports it.
You could try using a page template.
1. Copy index.php from your theme and name it something like summary.php
2. In summary.php, add a template name like it says on the codex page, then replace the_content()
with the_excerpt()
3. From the dashboard, create a new page, give it a title, leave the content field blank, and set the page template to the summary template you just created. There should be a drop down box for this. If not, it might be hidden under screen options on the top right.
4. If your index.php file has no references to the_excerpt()
, look for the get_template_part()
function, which pulls code from another file. If so, copy that loop file and modify it instead. See the examples here.
Since you always COPY the files, you won’t make a mess of your site. If it goes wrong, just delete the copies you’ve made and remove the created page using the dashboard.
If you’re really worried, backup the site before starting.