• I really think I’ve confused myself here. I’m running WP 1.5 at https://www.jakiblue.net The site will be a review site, with 6 ppl contributing. I want their review of whatever to open off a page of links.
    On the sidebar on the left, you’ll see a page called “Books”. When clicking on that, I want it to open a page full of links to their reviews. Now, there is where I’m lost. For each review, do they just write a new page, with the page title being the name of the review? I know if I just add pages for each review, it’ll create a Page called “Books”, with the page titles opening UNDER the “Books” link on the left. I don’t want that, as it’ll make a HUGE sidebar with heaps of links. Can I have it so the link to the new page (the review) opens off the page called “Books”? Does this make any sense at all? I don’t think I”m explaining this correctly, but I hope someone out there gets what I mean.

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  • First, though I think you’ve made an effort, I think it’s important to use the correct words to describe any problems so that people can understand them.

    For instance, I don’t see on your left menu a “page” called Books, nor is there a link entitled Books, which is what I think you were trying to say.

    If I understand what you’re saying, you want to have a category entitled Books. If so, you set up this category in your admin panel and, when your reviewers make posts for that category, have them select “Books” as the category. WordPress will then place a corresponding link entitled “Books” in the left menu (assuming that you’ve specified the category links to be displayed there). That link should take viewers to a *category page* (generated by WordPress) for Books, which would then list links to your reviewers’ posts. This is standard in WordPress.

    A couple of things:
    (1) Categories set up in the admin panel will not display on the blog until at least one post assigned to that category is published.
    (2) If you want just the title (as a link) to appear on your Category page, you’ll probably have to amend the code in the category.php file (assuming you’re using WordPress 1.5).

    Thread Starter jakiblue


    oh dear lord, i pasted the wrong link!!!!! that’s why you couldn’t see the ‘books’ link. *headdesk* very sorry. Actual link is https://dailypulp.jakiblue.net

    Yes, I”m using wp 1.5. No it’s not ‘categories’ I’m after – I know how to do those. Truthfully, I think what I want to do, can’t be done.

    In a normal html layout (not using WordPress), you would have a link entitled ‘books’ and a link entitled ‘movies’. Clicking on either link, would take you to a html page, which would have links to other html pages –
    Books (main link)
    (on books page would be:)
    Fred Says No (link would be ‘fredsaysno.html’)
    Fred Says Yes(link would be ‘fredsaysyes.html’)
    Clicking on either of those links, takes you to the html page.

    Because I’ve never worked in php before (nor wordpress), I was trying to work out how to do that here. The ‘page’ is called ‘books’, which has on it links to ‘fred says no’ & ‘fred says yes’. Clicking on one of those takes you to yet another ‘page’ that contains whatever the person has written. If I ‘write a page’ called ‘fred says yes’, the link to the ‘fred says yes’ page shows up underneath ‘books’ in the left column on hte home blog page (as in ‘parent’ and ‘child’ ). I don’t want that. It would mean the ‘book’ link would have way too many links underneath it.

    I think you’re number 2) solution may be what I’m looking for. I will have a look at htat, and see what I’m doing.

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