Hey Cal,
You’re a genius!
OK, Alexify is working great! It works when the link opens in a new window on both Internet Explorer 6.x and on Firefox, on the PC. It is also working fine on our Macs which run Safari latest version and Panther OSX.
There is one way the thumbnail doesn’t work, and maybe this makes sense: If there is a “tool tip” or title the Alexa image won’t show up. Probably because it is replacing the tool tip in the first place. So, here’s an example:
<p><a href="https://www.blogger.com/" target="_blank">https://www.blogger.com/</a></p>
That works fine. However this one doesn’t show a thumbnail:
<p><a title="Go to Wilson's site" href="https://www.wilsonhurst.com/" target="_blank">https://www.wilsonhurst.com/</a></p>
That will not show the Alexa image. . . which is fine, since the image gives the viewer more information about the link in the first place and probably doesn’t need a callout.
You might also include in your instructions something similar to the following paragraph:
If your link to a domain website does not appear as a pop-up graphic but you are sure that other links on your page are working correctly with the Alexify plugin, this means that Alexa.com hasn’t taken a thumbnail screenshot of the site. You can remedy this yourself!
1. Go to https://www.alexa.com and click on the Traffic Rankings tab at the top of the screen.
2. Type in the URI of the website and click “Get Traffic Details.”
3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Correct errors and omissions in this listing.”
4. In the middle of the next page, click “Update Thumbnail Image of “whateveryoursitenameis.com” .
A message will come up stating that Alexa will visit the site and make a thumbnail within the next 48 hours.
This really works. My site now has it’s own thumbnail . . .
Thanks for all your help, Cal. This is working just fine. I think that if it were to work for a sidebar, some piece of code would have to be placed in the sidebar.php file of a template– I’m just guessing. But if it doesn’t work, that’s fine. The main issues are solved. Thanks for your very prompt addressing of these issues. What a guy!