• jeffbert


    I wanted to announce my second WordPress plugin: WP-Amazon-Mp3-Widget https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/wp-amazon-mp3-widget/

    This plugin lets you add slick looking Amazon MP3 widgets to your blog posts in a brain-dead simple way. Just say [mp3] anywhere in your blog post to add mp3 tracks.

    The Amazon MP3 Clips widget is a beautiful flash widget that plays album previews and displays the album art in the background. You can even make some money if you provide your Amazon Associates id in the tag (see FAQs for details).

    Here are some other ways to create MP3 widgets:

    [mp3 list="Bestsellers" browse_node="324527011"]
    This creates an MP3 widget containing the latest ‘Hard Rock and Metal’ bestsellers. You can get the browse_node values for various music genres here: https://www.browsenodes.com/node-324382011.html

    [mp3 keywords="Sunshine" browse_node="324608011" title="Sunshine tracks in Pop"]
    This creates an MP3 widget containing all the ‘Pop’ tracks with the word ‘Sunshine’ in the album/song title.

    [mp3 asins=”‘B0011Z0YR2,B00137W4P8,B0013G0PG4,B001AU8ZLK,B001AUCJZ8,B001AUEMDK,B001AU8YB6″ title=”My favorite MP3 songs.” shuffle_tracks=”True”]
    This creates an MP3 widget with the specified tracks. The tracks are displayed in random order each time that it is displayed.

    I’m open to any suggestions and feature requests at [email protected]

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