• i’ve modified Brian “Coldforged” Dupuis’s Plugin “Image-Headlines” a little bit (the core is untouched) in order to use one of the numerous techniques of Image-Replacement.

    The original Plugin works fine and does its job perfect, but personally, i didn’t like the fact that it replaces the headline with an image, so the headline text only shows up as alternate image-text.

    My modifications turn the output of the_title(“-image-“); from a complete img-element into inline-styles that can be put into a template like this <h3 style="<?php the_title("-image-"); ?>
    the result looks like this:
    <h3 style="background: url(headlinefromcache.png) no-repeat; width: 200px; height: 45px;">

    In order not to overwrite the fancy image with the text itself in contrast to the original version of the plugin modifications to the Stylesheet are necessary (to hide text). The technique to do so is called “Image Replacement” and some further readings are provided on the page below. (FIR, PIR, MIR, BIR, and so on…)
    Details & Download Revised Image Headlines
    this is only a minor tweaking of the plugin, so if you like the plugin donate at coldforged.org …

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  • An english summary or english version of the post might be helpful

    Thread Starter _erik_


    ehem* my english isn’t that good, you know.
    all you need is in the code-boxes of that article.

    its all about:
    -img don’t replace the text no more
    -background-image is added to text instead (that needs to be hidden via css)
    -insert the the_title(“-image-“); within style-attribute as written above the heading h1-6 and the anchor.
    -assign text-indent: -999em to the headline (h3 in my case) or link (if its a linked title)
    -and display: block to both
    thats it!
    or do you want to know how to install the plugin?
    -upload image-headlines.php to wp-content/plugins/
    -upload (ttf) fonts into your upload dir which is wp-content/ by default
    adjust settings under admin-interface options->headlines
    thats it.
    for those that don’t like the negative text-indent version i’ve linked to some english articles that describe other techniques as well (all in english ?? )

    LoL, alright… for the site I have now, I have no need for it, but in the future, this will definitely be in some of my projects. Looks good, and I love your site btw…

    Are the tweaks for the benefit of search engines?

    Thread Starter _erik_


    it cuts both ways, because the headline-text is available to search-engines (what is better then alt-text) but hidden from the visitor. so there is a possibility that search engines could one day decide, that pages that hide text (most likely by using display: none;) , aren’t won’t show up in search results. so the method i use is negative text-indent which is only slightly better but effective…

    another effect is when watching your site via mobile, you get the plain text (site will usually load without css) what i think is good, because images are equal to kilobytes and there are not many broadband-handies out there right. also screenreaders might stop on display: none; so it’s not only search engines but semantic document-structure (just disable css to see difference) and also flexibility (as the headline-image is a design issue and should therefore not be placed as image in the document itself)

    Very nice plugin! I was using Coldforged’s version but like the improvements you have made. Excellent.

    I’m having trouble installing this. It won’t load the admin screens. If I try to visit the admin area from the plugins page, I get “Cannot load image-headlines.php.”. If I try from the options area, I get “The requested URL /wp-admin/image-headlines.php was not found on this server.”

    Can anyone help??

    Thread Starter _erik_


    flakkito, thanks!

    the error-message tells that the file can’t be found at that location, that is by the way a wrong path as plugins usually need to be stored within the wp-content/plugins/ folder!
    i have no idea what causes this redirect (maybe you modified some admin-settings in the past?), hope the above tips fix it.

    No admin-settings I’ve modifies would cause a redirect. I’m having trouble getting the redirects for the permilinks working too. Wonder if the two are somehow related?

    Please forgive me for sounding stupid here, but is this the plugin that allows for images to change in the headline box, such as happens on shadows.os42.com’s site where one image fades out and then another one fades in? Or is that something completely different? I love that effect and the theme, thanks!:)

    No. Yes.

    I’d appreciate someone being nice enough to actually tell me what it is if you know instead of just a “yes”, hope you got your little chuckle.

    I haven’t a clue what Shadow’s using. I’d suggest you contact him to ask. [BTW, the reason I haven’t a clue is because his site takes OVER TEN MINUTES TO FULLY LOAD FOR ME – I’m not going to wait that long to see if somewhere on there is what he’s using…. that’s what happens when you have crap 30 year old analog dialup phone lines.]

    Oh dear, I’d loan you my broadband if I could, 30 year old analog lines…that’s just…wrong:)

    Yeah, tell me…. this is a 40 phone market. We’re lucky to HAVE landlines.

    Anyway, Shadow’s a really nice guy. You should just post on his blog there or send him a contact (I *think* he has a contact form….) and ask him.

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