• Hia.

    I would like to (also) announce Userextra, which is a plug-in which extends user profiles to include arbitrary admin-defined attributes, and provides for category access controls with user-level granularity.

    So what does this mean? Well two things:

    1. You can define new bits for a user profile, including text fields, text boxes, drop-downs and checkboxes. You might use this to add an Address, Telephone number, Hobbies, Notes, etc. fields to users. For each field you add you can also say whether or not the data can be modified by the user.

    2. Two new fields are added to the user profile to allow you to allow/deny access to categories. So normally you’d tell Userextra that a certain category is restricted, and then modify the user to grant access.

    This is all based on Usermeta which I also just announced which provides the underlying API and therefore lets you print out this stuff in your theme.

    Hope this is of some use. See link for screenshots, etc.


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  • Here’s a bug fix for UserExtra 0.3 for WP 2
    where you get line 662 errors
    Basically this happens because the filter_posts function returns an empty array after it receives a null arrray (and should return a null arrary)

    1. open userextra.php
    2. go to line 657 which is "function filter_posts($posts) {"
    3. add this line right after (new line 663)
    if(!is_array($posts)) {return;}

    then when there is a 404 ie. bad category, no search results, etc. it returns the null arrary right back to the loop

    Is there anyway I can have a subpage automatically created by the user extra fields???

    This looks great !

    can this data be exported (to say, csv or txt file ?)

    And on that note, Is there any way (plugin ?!) of adding more tracking to users behavior on the web site (like knowing their reading path – the time spent on each post – and so on ) ?!


    Any way to use it outside the Loop?

    Got it:

    $author_id = $curauth->ID;

    $usermeta = new Usermeta();
    echo $usermeta->get($author_id, “age”, true);

    Okay, now how do I get it to echo fields that are option lists? It shows “myvalue” when I try to do that.

    Ok somehow it started working again.

    Cannot download this plugin. The SVN for the plugin has no files. Could someone please provide the same?

    I also can’t see the files for download. Anyone have a link where I can get them?

    Consider this another request for a download link.

    i am also trying to download the plugins. they are not available at the following links at the moment.


    https://svn.wp-plugins.org/ doesn’t have them either.

    could someone provide a working link, please?

    Shame I can’t download… this plugin sounds as if it has alot of potential.

    the download links have appeared on https://dev.wp-plugins.org. thanks, whoever did it.

    I had a question about searching user information. Let says I create a directory of sorts that makes most of the user information viewable on the website. Is there a way to search the information fields. For instance if two of the fields are “name” and “location” how hard would it be to create an advanced search that allowed you to type in search terms for each of those fields?

    I guess I’m looking for something like the “Search Custom Fields” plugin, except I need something that only searches the users and allows you to search more than one field.

    Any suggestions or ideas would be great.

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