New Podcast Plugin! (PodPress Replacement)
I’ve have a lot of trouble with PodPress lately, and after FINALLY fixing all the problems I was having with it, I’ve decided that I need something a bit more ‘updateable’. I don’t want to have to wait around for updates and features to be added.
So I’ve decided to write a podcasting plugin. Something full-featured that will make podcasting easy and powerful.
What I’m looking for is feature requests. What would you like to see in a Podcasting plugin? What was missing from PodPress that you would like to see added?
Thanks in advance for all the suggestions everyone. I look forward to providing the community with something great!
I run a site with 3 sets of podcasting hosts. Each of us has between 1-4 podcasts that are running now or have ran in the past. It is important for us to be able to have a feed for each individual podcast. This is what is achieved on Podpress with “Category Casting”. Basically, for each category, you can choose to setup a podcast on it. And when you do that, it will allow you to set all of the settings a podcast would have for that particular category. So, for example, you can change the Host names, the album art, etc.
It works pretty well. Not perfect, but a good start. If that feature is absent, then it’s not even an option for my site.
with saberj’s bullet points above – i believe all those should be dealt with by separate plugins.
the first one is the one i focused on with my plugin which essentially focuses on Category Casting. i’m not getting much feedback on this yet – i’d love it if you gave it a shot.
second point – there are download stats/tracking systems out there. i have written one for my own use (I call it TMI for Track Media Items) – but i may well tidy it up and put it up here soon.
third – the wpaudioplayer is excellent and even has an ‘auto enclosure’ inline player, which i use.
you get the general idea.
the podcast to enclosure code above i wrote for myself and is included but *uncalled* in my podcast channels plugin – and it converts ALL podpress data to enclosures – not just for one post. i could provide a ‘click here to convert’ to use it – but i’m more tempted to write a tiny ‘import’ plugin to do that as a ‘use once’ item
i meant to add with saberj’s 4th point “The ability to browse a directory that can be configured” – i’m a big fan of the Media Library, and that’s my approach to podcasts – to upload to the media library and use the functionality in WP already built around that.
i’m going to plug another of my plugins now – sorry! But if you need special folders to put your Media Items in (eg cos they have special apache access rules to allow site linking etc) you can use
though that’s not quite 2.7 ready yet – there are a couple of simple fixes to apply, and i’ll be updating it soon.
there is a problem with the “Multiple Plugins” approach. The more plugins you use, the bigger the chance that pieces of your podcasting solutions break. If one big plugin breaks, you notice it. You can stop it before you take it live. But if one of the 10 plugins you have breaks, you may not notice it until it’s too late to go back to an old version and wait out a fix.
Plus, with multiple plugins you have to worry about varying quality, making them work together, finding everything you need, etc. I understand the minimalist point of view on the issue. But I’m a bigger fan of the whole package with customizable bits.
The fewer plugins I can run my site with, the better. I’m already upset that I need plugins to do things as simple as displaying page content for a Category heading. And it continues to be the perfect example, as either it or Podpress has issues with working together.
podpress has issues with the WP wysiwyg editor let alone other plugins (well it did in 2.6 last i checked)
how is the waiting out for a fix going ??
i do see your point though. but (in my case for example) i was much happier being able to continue podcasting without stats for a while, than having to persevere with podpress.
My main idea is to build something that can function as an entire podcasting website. The end result will probably be a paid solution for users, but I fully intend on releasing a smaller, less functional free version.
There are already good stand-alone solutions for podcasting. I have used Loudblog quite succesfully and it is free and open source.
But I like WordPress and would like to see the podpress plugin updated. Failing that, maybe someone else will make a good free plugin for wordpress that does the same thing. A stand-alone paid service does not sound like a replacement for podpress.
Rayalanft: That problem was with revisions, so people fixed it. However, the problem is that the person fixing the application is no longer active. That same issue would have occured if it was in 7 pieces compared to 1. You would still have that issue. Which of the 7 pieces would have been effected? It’s untelling. Maybe many of them. Maybe just the part where you post the podcast itself. Either way, it wouldn’t have been a much better solution.
raymer: Moving to different CMS options is not a solution for some of us. So there is nothing wrong with a WordPress option. BTW, he never said Stand-Alone. He said “So I’ve decided to write a podcasting plugin. Something full-featured that will make podcasting easy and powerful.” That means, like podpress, it will be a plugin for WordPress. A paid service isn’t for everyone, but it would definitely be a welcomed solution, if it meant more reliable service for broken bits. Either way, it would be a replacement for podpress for a good many of us. So I’m not sure where you are coming from that it’s not a replacement.
i disabled revisions and was still having issues with wysiwyg on IE7 (not that i use that – but it was messing up some of our key contributors) and the media library icons/thumbnails until i disabled podpress.
i think the main reason i prefer a small-scale approach is that very basic podcasting works out of the box on WP. you literally don’t need any plugin to actually have an mp3 enclosure in your rss feed. so one large plugin that provides lots of whistles and bells when those whistles and bells are messing things up elsewhere seems a lot of hassle.
When the lag in making it work properly just wasn’t doing it for me anymore, i decided to work out the minimum necessary to make it work the way i needed. and category casting was pretty much 95% of what i needed. the iTunes ‘duration’ tag was the last 5%.
i think the main reason i prefer a small-scale approach is that very basic podcasting works out of the box on WP. you literally don’t need any plugin to actually have an mp3 enclosure in your rss feed. so one large plugin that provides lots of whistles and bells when those whistles and bells are messing things up elsewhere seems a lot of hassle.
When the lag in making it work properly just wasn’t doing it for me anymore, i decided to work out the minimum necessary to make it work the way i needed. and category casting was pretty much 95% of what i needed. the iTunes ‘duration’ tag was the last 5%.
i think the main reason i prefer a small-scale approach is that very basic podcasting works out of the box on WP. you literally don’t need any plugin to actually have an mp3 enclosure in your rss feed. so one large plugin that provides lots of whistles and bells when those whistles and bells are messing things up elsewhere seems a lot of hassle.
When the lag in making it work properly just wasn’t doing it for me anymore, i decided to work out the minimum necessary to make it work the way i needed. and category casting was pretty much 95% of what i needed. the iTunes ‘duration’ tag was the last 5%.
A stand-alone paid service does not sound like a replacement for podpress.
As stated, it will be a plugin, not standalone.
I do intend for the larger piece of the puzzle to require payment though. This will enable me to have continued support. While I love the world of Open Source, oftentimes that just leads to poor support. It’s not for everyone, but for those that choose to go that route, the process is often much simpler than those who don’t. It’s all about what you choose to prioritize.
Just for the record what exactly are you selling? I’m hoping for a new Podpress but I am not sure that will ever happen.
Just for the record what exactly are you selling? I’m hoping for a new Podpress but I am not sure that will ever happen.
This is the idea. There will be a simple version of the plugin available for free that should do everything the basic user would need.
The extended version will have new features, free support, a V.I.P. user forum, and a custom theme created to best support podcasts. There might be more, but as the plugin is still in development, the rest will come after.
Podpress worked great, so all I need is an updated work-alike. I think the simplicity of Podpress was a big plus. I’m not very knowledgeable about WP internals, so I just want to plug in and have it work. Podpress seemed to do that fine. I loved that I was able to automatically propagate my WP podcast into iTunes with no extra steps. That was awesome. So, in short I’m really glad you’re doing this. I’ve grown accustomed to the power of being able to post podcasts and am glad I’ll be able to continue.
The OP also said “My main idea is to build something that can function as an entire podcasting website.” That’s why I started thinking CMS instead of plugin (which is how Loudblog approaches things). After re-reading the (getting long now) thread I see that he is talking about a plugin. But I still don’t have any interest in buying a paid service for podcasting.In my opinion podpress added some big conveniences; the 1pixel-out player, automatic enclosures for iTunes, support for MANY media types including streaming from Youtube, et. al., and even the ability to set a dir as the upload dir and select the media from a drop down (although that is still buggy – it shows an error on the admin page that the path is invalid even when it is correct and works well).
It also has many rough edges, stats are buggy, IE crashes often (many WP blog sites are run by people who prefer IE and don’t know PHP or HTML), etc, etc., and the biggest source of this buggyness is probably from the author trying to cram the functionality of his plugin into paid sites like Podtrac or Blubrry. In my opinion simple is best – especially when complexity adds bugs!
Podpress has a great following – I have 4 sites runnning it now held together with patches to the code. But Dan lost a lot of credibility when he promised to release an update for 2.6 by a certain date last summer and then disappeared. He lost even more when his whole support forum went down months ago. Even if he released a version for 2.7 there is no longer a support forum. I will evaluate carefully before jumping back on with any more sites. I may switch to the Podcasting plugin soon since that is under steady development/support and may eventually be rolled into WP core (or not).
By the way, since I mistook what sheda was talking about the first time, let me say it this way – There are already paid solutions for podcasting *plugins* for WordPress. Try
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