• Resolved RossGoodman



    I recently upgraded to 2.3.2
    I have noticed that when i am creating a new post I no longer have the option of flicking between “Visual” and “Code” view. Is this normal?

    When I do the same on my WordPress.com hosted site I still see the two options.

    Have I done something bad during the upgrade?
    If this a “feature” of 2.3.3?

    Thanks in advance
    [sig moderated]

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  • Still no solution for this problem and it is getting a bit frustrating.
    I’ve gone to every topic but cannot get it resolved.

    My blog is poker.spaubeekcasual.nl

    It all happened after i upgraded to 2.3.2 from 2.3.1 after installing it with Fantastico provided by my host.
    If someone wants to take a look at my site and help me with this i would really appreaciate it. Please contact me via mail : [email protected] or via msn: [email protected]. Thanks in advance.



    I’m also still having a problem with this. Checked the suggestions above and still no luck. Cashe was deleted, but same problem on multiple browsers. Visual code view is checked in the profile, and javascript permissions are above 444. I have MCE installed also, but no visual view – as described above, the tabs are there, but all you see is html. Any other suggestions?



    I have WP installed on one of my websites and just tried it on the other today and encountered this problem. I have been installing and uninstalling it for the past 2+ hours trying to figure out the problem. I went so far as to look at the file size of EVERY file to make sure everything was uploaded properly. I did come across one file that was only half way uploaded. This did not solve the problem, however.

    But now I just hopefully permanently solved it. I was looking at the error log and it kept bringing up line 117 in the wp-settings.php file in the main directory. So I tried changing something and uploading it and that didn’t work. So I changed it back and re-uploaded the file and now it works. I was stunned. So I checked it out on another computer at work and it still was NOT working on that computer. So what did I do? I went to the Write page (visual editor) and simply hit the Refresh button on the browser and now all the icons appear! Hope that problem is fixed for good now!



    Strange, I have exactly the same from 2.3.2 to 2.3.3, or at least, only now i came aware of it. I just turned of my rich text editor, and now i have the buttons again, and when i turn it on, i have no buttons whatsoever.

    I did have this wee problem with upgrading, and in the end i didnt upgrade one file, because with that wordpress died on me, but i cant tthink what that would have to do with the RTE. I mean, it works in 2.3.2, so it should also work in 2.3.3 with one file from 2.3.2

    I’m trying to figure out why this has been marked as resolved. It clearly has not been. I have an upgraded 2.3.3 install on bluehost, upgraded properly, and with not errors. when trying to provide a user with login information, they are able to log in, and get to the edit panel, and nothing displays when the Visual Rich Editor is enabled. I have tried working with the Advanced MCE, and this doesnt resolve the problem for me, despite following the installation instructions completely.

    I have noticed that this seems to be a problem with IE mostly, and primarly ie 6 ( which is still the dominant browser out there.)

    everything that seems to trigger the visual rich editor to work seems to break, it doesnt matter if I’m using the advanced MCE or the tiny one, or WYSI-Wordpress for that matter. Anyone have any ideas?



    …be SURE you’re:
    1. logging in to your dashboard,
    2. clicking on “Users”,
    3. then click on “edit” to the right of your user name on the right side under “actions”
    4. under “edit user” there should be something that says “Use the visual editor when writing”
    5. Is that checked? If not, check it.

    I had the same problem everyone is mentioning here, and that resolved it – here is a screenshot of where it is.

    Hope this helps someone –

    I too, am seeing this issue after upgrading.
    (2.3.3) – I have tried adding tinyMCE, etc.

    I had the same problem and I found the following error was happening in wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce_gzip.php:
    “Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate xxxxx bytes)”

    So I changed this file, adding the line
    after the line
    and this solved the problem.

    Hope this can help.

    inclusion’s suggestion worked for me. thanks!

    I think previously installing the Tiny MCE Advanced plugin was what screwed mine up. I browsed the wp-includes/js directory and surprisingly found a tinymce folder. Of course, that’s when I realized why there’s such a plugin labeled “advanced”. Hehe. Anyway, what I did was simply delete the folder and replaced it with the one I newly extracted from the current wordpress-2.5.zip download.

    I’ve had the same problem since upgrading from 2.6 to 2.6.1. Reinstall, and even upgrading to 2.6.2 didn’t help. Neither did all the other suggestions here (short of trashing the database and starting from scratch…) Finally, I decided to use a “hired gun”. He fixed it in less than 15 min. for a very small fee. If you have the same issue and want to get it fixed email [email protected] – let him know Thomas sent you.


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