This is going to be lengthy and I’m going to ask you to bear with me so we can have a good and hopefully productive conversation.
I’m going to start with a few assumptions just to get the conversation going.
– You created this good looking theme
– You want to share
– You want credit for your work
– I am not trying to piss you off with my glib comment
– I am cautioning people to not run code on their blog that they cannot verify
My problem is these three points:
– You are including obfuscated code in your theme
– You are distributing the GPL license text file but are not adhering to it
– You are using “wordpress” in your domain name wordpresspluginsformovieswebsites.com
Obfuscated Code
Obfuscated code in footers has been abused before. It’s a dodgy and suspicious thing to do and distribute, and it is NOT effective at stopping people from modifying your work.
Some of the more egregious examples are inserting the theme’s authors ads into other people’s blog or force inserting a link into someone’s blog roll and making it difficult to remove as long as they use that theme.
Your theme’s footer.php has recursive gzip’ing/rot-13 code in it. When I wanted to see the actual code you put in, I ran it repeatedly replacing the eval with echo each time.
After 5 times, I gave up. I’ll probably write a shell script to automate it for me, just out of my curiosity.
If you want credit for your work, try adding a readme.txt or HTML comments in the footer that says “Hey, I worked hard on this. If you want to use my work, you must give me credit via a link on your footer.”
That’s above board and your users will thank you for your honesty. Will your work get used without credit? Probably. But that’s how it is now and putting that obfuscated code there does not prevent that.
Not GPL’ed but sure looks like it
Not being able to examine the code is the simplest GPL test there is. I don’t believe you are explicitly stating that that theme is GPL’ed anywhere on your website and certainly not in your theme’s zip file.
But adding that license file is either a mistake or you are being dishonest.
Using WordPress in your domain name
Aside from the fact that www.ads-software.com clearly states “Don’t Do It”, some really bad sites use WordPress in their domain name and distribute Really Bad Things in their obfuscated code.
You have both obfuscated code AND you have wordpress in your domain name. Do you really want to be lumped in with a crowd that does dodgy and suspicious things on their site?
That’s not a bad looking theme and I don’t blame you for trying to protect your work. But do it above board. Each of these points can be easily resolved.
Or not, it’s up to you. But if you post to a public forum like this one, don’t be surprised when someone looks closely at what you are doing.