Hi MassimoD,
Thanks for contacting us, I’d be happy to assist you! We have recently joined forces with ShareThis and can confirm that the cookie you’re referencing is one of the cookies that is served as part of our ShareThis integration.
In order to continue providing free tools to our amazing users, and for us to continue to invest in these tools, we provide data services (anonymous and in aggregate) to other companies. This is similar to other popular sharing services, for more information please feel free to read the privacy policy for more details https://www.sharethis.com/privacy/.
Version 1.8 brings new features, including analytics from Facebook and support for ShareThis counts and analytics in an upcoming release. To enable analytics, non-personally identifiable browsing data is stored and aggregated, and also used for interest based targeting of ads elsewhere.
Since you are updating from a previous version, these features are only activated if you click to accept the terms.
Hopefully this provides clarification, please let us know if you have any more questions.