Good first attempt! WordPress is magical, isn’t it? It just lets you dive right in. To really explore its visual breadth, however, you may want to expand and explore themes that you have to purchase. Check out Prestige theme – sold through Theme Forest. I use the light version on my site – – but the dark version is gorgeous and it comes with literally hundreds of skins. You can play around with the sample version online before you commit to it. I hope I get to use it some day.
I agree with some of the other posts – you need a logo and better graphics. I would play up “Stevie Ray” and give second billing to the word Entertainment. Is this a tribute to Stevie Ray Vaughn?
Your categories are a bit confusing and not well organized. Is there a way to express the content with single words? And having the Site Navigation sidebar so close to the horizontal navigation seems redundant. Use the sidebar for a tag cloud or a twitter feed. Or show us more images here.
Overall, the site also conveys mixed messages. The top looks like a rockers site, but the other images show us wedding scenes. Maybe the top image needs to be an accordion format with four or five images illustrating the different areas of interest equally. Show us Weddings, Concerts, a Teen Party, and a Baby Shower side by side (I just made those up). Maybe each type of event is color coded so from the outset we understand how your site is organized.
Well, best of luck. Kudos for jumping in head first!