• https://caughtya.org

    I had been thinking about that site for a while now. Got fed up Friday night, started work on the site on Saturday morning. It is now Sunday evening and I’m happy with the results.

    No great feats of wizardry, but a simple and straight forward site. I welcome all feedback, and invite participation.

    Note, there is some content to adjust (the About page, for instance). There will be some css tweaking, there always is when a site first goes up. I know I probably need to fiddle some more on hacking my css for IE.

    But as is, I am happy with it. Soooo, what do y’all think? ??

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  • its a wonderful idea.. I havent checked out the totality of the site, so I will ask here .. do you taker pics of abusers??? My mom is 72 and <strike>handicapped</strike> has a disability placard, and consequently, I am chronically aware of ppl that park illegally in HC spaces. I would love to carry around my camera and take pics of them.

    nm, I see you do take pictures.. awesome! I can prolly fill a whole site for you. ??

    I like it! It’s a nice, simple layout..and easy to navigate! =) Keep up the great work!


    Thread Starter vavroom


    Yes, the idea is to take photos of the CARS, not individuals. ideally with license plate, car make model, colour, date time of infractions, etc. register, go to town ??

    hmm.. no pics of the ppl? ?? whaaa, I want humiliation!!

    I love the idea..I’ll prolly join in a little while, just been busy working on my new domain actually. =)


    hmm.. no pics of the ppl? ?? whaaa, I want humiliation!!



    Thread Starter vavroom


    Cherie, it’s illegal to post photos of people without their express consent… Don’t want to go and break any laws, unlike the ****wits that park illegally ??

    Spencer, the site will be there when you have more time ??

    Cherie, it’s illegal to post photos of people without their express consent… Don’t want to go and break any laws, unlike the ****wits that park illegally ??

    Damn! I’d better remove the pic of my ex-gf then, from my blog lmao! =p

    Spencer, the site will be there when you have more time ??

    Yeah..me will get there soon though lol. =)


    Very nice.

    There are a few spelling mistakes (e.g. in the sub-header you have “illegaly”) and I would go through your front page again to eliminate those, as it detracts from the otherwise professional feel.


    FYI – police cars are exempt from this law… just like they’re exempt from the cell phone laws… and many others.

    Cherie, it’s illegal to post photos of people without their express consent…

    In what country? Certainly not the US…

    EDIT: *sees a long line of paparazzo at the unemployment line*

    *sees a long line of paparazzo at the unemployment line*

    Yes, in the US, the media is exempt from that law – but for the regular person, even professional photographers not working under the overhanging support of a media organization (must be a legally registered newspaper, magazine, etc. – not “JD’s News on The Web” type stuff… ) need to get a signed release from ANYONE they photograph, even if it’s a mass of people, or will find themselves subject to losing lawsuits. Sure, people don’t always sue, much less find their faces somewhere, however were I to find that someone took my photo and posted it on a website without my expressly written permission, I could (and would) begin the process of having it removed, which could end up in a lawsuit if the photog refused to remove it.

    Thread Starter vavroom


    ladydeluna, the police are only excempt from parking in mobility parking spaces in case of emergencies. It might be that different states handle it differently. But even then, cops *should* know better.

    In fact, there was a regular offender when I lived in a Chicago ‘burb. I contacted the chief of police of that town, who was quite upset about it, and provided me with his cell phone number and asked me to ring him if/when it happened again. I did. Within minutes there was a tow truck taking the squad car away. That squad car never parked there again, although it regularly used the parking lot.

    yosemite, to further expand on ladydeluna’s post, there’s also the fact that paparazzi shoot at celebrities. It doesn’t make it ethical I don’t think, but there is apparently different “rules” if you belong to “the public domain”, as you do when you’re a celeb’.

    George, thanks on picking up typos. English is not my first language (in fact it’s my 4th), and I manage to make a few mistakes. I’ll go through with a fine tooth comb and get someone else to review as well.


    Oh I agree that the cops should know better… and in that photo, there’s really no telling if it’s an emergency situation or not, is there? I’m actually more ticked off at that white pickup that’s blocking 2 or 3 spots…

    And technically, celebrities don’t belong to “public domain” in the way you worded it… however, it’s simply that the media is protected by any such regulations on printing/posting photos of anyone… It’s called “Free Press” and paparazzi work either on staff or are freelancers, whereas their photos only make them money if they’re bought and published by a media organization, which is LEGALLY the only way that their celebrity photos can be released to the public… not that it always happens that way, of course. ??

    Thread Starter vavroom


    Ok, I gotta brag! Site’s not been up a full week yet, and it ranks at the very top of the Google search. #1! And it’s not in the supplementary index either, it’s in the main index!

    Cool. Very cool.

    Ok, so I get excited at little things, but… Yeah.

    Now, have to have more people link to me, promote the site at large, and hope to get it really going ??

    Oh, and btw, I’ve made several small changes with big impact on the site since ??

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