• I’m running Apache 2.4 with PHP 5.6.5 and MySQL 5.6 on 64-bit Windows 2012. The server is a virtual box dedicated to hosting this site. It has 3 core processors, and 6G ram. Here’s the problem: The site runs, and works great for a while, but eventually slows to barely a crawl, and then crashes. No errors in event logs, nor errors in the Apache logs. What is the best way to gauge the cause for this? Has anyone seen/heard of this type of issue, or have any documentation for best practices? Thanks in advance.

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  • Have you tried the same site on a LAMP server?

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Can you run WordPress using a WAMP package and not in a VM?

    It sounds like your virtualbox is running out of resources. If it were your configuration or WordPress then you’d see problems almost immediately. But what you describing is a resource depletion problem.

    Thread Starter CaffinatedCoder


    Thanks for your replies! Ran it on XAMPP on local system to test. Ran fine, but performed that same way on the DEV server as well. It ran fine on the PROD server for a while before going down, and yet, if I watch Task Manager, it doesn’t seem like we’re losing resources. What other resources should I specifically look at?

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