• Resolved jbmanos


    Apart from the errors I reported in a separate thread, the new jetpack seems like a move forward, but there are some steps backward that don’t make sense — particularly in stripping the stats data from the dashboard.

    Please at least provide the same information that the old stats provided. I know that the wordpress.com stats page is there, and I like the additional information available there, *sometimes*

    The rest of the time, I want the data of the old stats page. The new dashboard provides too little info. Please bump it up to at least provide the same amount of information that the old stats page does.


Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 30 total)
  • Yeah… please add the stats menu item. I literally have no purpose other than to go to that page when I log in… seems silly to complain about having to click twice. But it’s annoying!

    Also the jetpack settings page was better before.. now you can’t disable all at once. Or enable all at once. I’m sorry but that just sucks!

    What with WordPress changing these forums too. Jeez sometimes it’s not broken don’t fix it!

    I have Firefox 48.0.2 on Windows 7. Move the mouse over the blue bars of the one-month histogram on the Jetpack dashboard and it leaves a black band over the dates. This is variable–dragging some more might remove it, but it’s easy to get it to happen.

    (I like the forum better now…)

    Yes, what @paperkawaii mentioned is also a pain in the lalala… because changing several settings at once is much more cumbersome. I feel like being caught in a smartphone app but not in the backend of a professoinal blogging/cms system.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Electrosmog.

    The information in the Jetpack dashboard is far too basic to be useful,

    Do you think you could expand on that?

    I guess I just don’t need a dashboard at all. I use Jetpack for stats, related posts, tiled galleries, carousel, VaultPress and Photon. Apart from stats, none of those require a running commentary on their performance –?they just exist on my site, quietly doing their job.

    We’ve built the new Jetpack dashboard to provide you with the most important information about your site’s health on one single screen. The different cards offer you information about different aspects of your site: stats, security, performance.

    See, we already have a WP dashboard on all our sites, which should contain that sort of information. Jetpack is able to add cards to it, as can other plugins. Why not allow Jetpack users to choose what information gets added to their WP dashboard and have it all in one place?

    At the moment it’s a bit Apple-knows-best –?we’re users who depend on you, but you don’t have to change things just because you can. Sometimes we need optical drives, headphone sockets… and decent stats by default. Sometimes we don’t need an extra interface/dashboard just because your devs wanted to make one.

    If we were to add more details to the Stats card, what would you add there? We obviously can’t add everything, or the concept of ‘dashboard’ disappears. What would you like to see “at a glance”, every time you access that dashboard? Are there specific stat elements that you want to see every time you access your dashboard, but that are missing from the Stats card on the new Jetpack dashboard?

    If there has to be a dashboard, I’d like the stats card to contain most popular pages/posts for yesterday and today, and top referrers. I don’t need to know best overall day, all-time views, or all-time comments. Some users might though –?why not allow people to customise the card’s contents?

    Thanks for the link to that plugin to restore the direct link to old stats. Now I can ignore the Jetpack dashboard altogether! It’s a shame to have yet another plugin though, and it’d be great if you’d make the link available as an option for all users.

    (Incidentally, I got stats to display in my admin bar yesterday, but this morning they vanished. I’ve no idea why –?the Jetpack setting hasn’t changed. I’ll keep it if I can get it back though.)

    Lastly, thanks for taking the time to respond to our grumbles and concerns. I know people don’t always take well to change, and that your priorities as developers might be at odds with ours as site owners. Hopefully we can meet somewhere in the middle. I appreciate your interaction here.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by gorky5.
    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    within this option one can choose between the new simple stats like those on the JP dashboard, the classic ones or the detailed ones.

    This would be the perfect solution and everyone could set whatever stats screen he wants.

    @electrosmog I took note of your idea. Thanks for the feedback!

    seems silly to complain about having to click twice. But it’s annoying!

    @paperkawaii May I suggest trying one of the 2 solutions outlined here?

    I understand that means changing the way you used to work until now, but these are 2 alternatives that may work for you until we iterate more on the new Jetpack dashboard and its menu items.

    Also the jetpack settings page was better before.. now you can’t disable all at once. Or enable all at once.

    @paperkawaii @electrosmog
    That’s a known issue, and something we’re looking into! You can follow our progress, and chime in with your ideas, here:

    What with WordPress changing these forums too.

    @paperkawaii The forums are indeed changing, but it’s still a work in progress; a lot more changes are coming, and when the work is over it will be gorgeous! If you’d like, you can take a peak at the upcoming design changes here:

    Support Forum Preliminary Mockups

    You can also check the functional changes, the work currently being done, and the reasons behind that change here:

    Move the mouse over the blue bars of the one-month histogram on the Jetpack dashboard and it leaves a black band over the dates.

    @bryanhiggins Thanks for the extra details! I believe you’re running into the issue mentioned here:

    We’ll get this fixed in a future release!

    I guess I just don’t need a dashboard at all. I use Jetpack for stats, related posts, tiled galleries, carousel, VaultPress and Photon. Apart from stats, none of those require a running commentary on their performance

    @gorky5 That makes sense.

    we already have a WP dashboard on all our sites, which should contain that sort of information. Jetpack is able to add cards to it, as can other plugins. Why not allow Jetpack users to choose what information gets added to their WP dashboard and have it all in one place?

    That’s actually on our roadmap. We didn’t touch the existing Stats dashboard widget in Jetpack 4.3; it still works, and is available if you check the “Site Stats” box in your screen options:

    That widget itself can be configured, although the options are limited so far:

    We’re planning on refreshing this widget in a future release. We’re still working out on how the widget should work, but I’ve taken notes of your suggestion to make that widget fully configurable.

    If there has to be a dashboard, I’d like the stats card to contain most popular pages/posts for yesterday and today, and top referrers. I don’t need to know best overall day, all-time views, or all-time comments. Some users might though – why not allow people to customise the card’s contents?

    An option to customize that Stats card seems like a good idea here as well. I took note of it.

    I got stats to display in my admin bar yesterday, but this morning they vanished. I’ve no idea why

    That graph is only displayed on the front end of your site; can you check that it’s displayed there?

    your priorities as developers might be at odds with ours as site owners. Hopefully we can meet somewhere in the middle.

    Your priorities are ours! However, while we try to account for all possible uses of the plugin, we try to design for the majority. Sometimes that means that a setting or feature may not be useful to you in particular. That said, and as you mentioned, we’ll keep trying to “meet somewhere in the middle”, and find a middle ground that fits as many Jetpack users as possible.

    I appreciate your interaction here.

    I appreciate your feedback! ?? Thanks for taking the time to write this all down.

    Cheers Jeremy. The stats in the admin bar reappeared shortly after that message. I’ve no idea what caused them to temporarily vanish, but it’s all good now. Thanks for all your other thoughts too.


    Your priorities are ours! However, while we try to account for all possible uses of the plugin, we try to design for the majority. Sometimes that means that a setting or feature may not be useful to you in particular. That said, and as you mentioned, we’ll keep trying to “meet somewhere in the middle”, and find a middle ground that fits as many Jetpack users as possible.

    It does seem like Jetpack is focusing increasingly on promoting its premium services, which is kinda understandable from a business POV. Pushing people towards WP.com for stats feels like it might be part of the same drive, although I’m still unclear as to why the full stats (international visitors etc) couldn’t be viewable within our own pages. If we can pull third-party data into our own sites, why not the full WP.com stats? I’d love to know Automattic’s masterplan for these services.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by gorky5.

    I have many websites I support that I use Jetpack on. My admin level tech support account does NOT use my login credentials to connect jetpack, It uses the customers login. Yet I as well as the other admin all need to see the full stats. Having to connect the MANY other sites I support just so I can see the stat details is a giant step backwards. As well leaving the site to go to wordpress.com to login under a different ID doesn’t seem to be a great plan either.


    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    @mdknight Thanks for the feedback.

    Having to connect the MANY other sites I support just so I can see the stat details is a giant step backwards.

    This shouldn’t be the case. Each one of the admins on your site, whether their account is linked to WordPress.com or not, should be able to see the Stats dashboard widget, the new Stats card, and the Old Stats page.

    However, if a user hasn’t linked their own account to WordPress.com yet, they will see a message above the new Stats card, like so:

    They also won’t be able to access the stats on WordPress.com, since they haven’t linked their account yet.

    If things are different on your site, would you mind telling me more about your setup and what you see, so I can look into it and try to reproduce?
    It might be easier if you created your own thread for that bug report, since that seems to be a bit different from the general feedback we’re discussing here:

    Thank you!

    “You can click this” “then you can click that…”

    Understand that NOBODY wants to be clicking anything. That is NOT user-friendly.

    Have you guys not learned anything from Google yet? You should be DECREASING the number of clicks and scrolls to improve your product, not increasing it.

    Current JetPack Site Stats are horrible now. It takes a while for me to get to where I want to be, and I was basically forced to switching to Google Analytics. If there’s no update in the future to bring back the user-friendliness of old Site Stats, I’m removing JetPack altogether since I have no other use for it.

    You shot yourself in the foot by removing one of the best features of JetPack – quickly accessible Site Stats with plenty of data. Now I have to go around to find it, and I’m not willing to do that. You know why? Because if I have to do that, I would rather go instantly to Google Analytics since I get better data there.

    Poor choice, lads.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by TFolder.
    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    @tfolder Thanks for the feedback.

    As I mentioned earlier on the thread, there are still 2 different ways to get to your Site Stats in one click.

    It’s certainly not ideal in your case, since you were used to go to Jetpack > Site Stats to get your stats, but these 2 alternatives should allow you to get to your stats as fast as before, until we iterate more on the new Jetpack dashboard and its menu items.

    Have you used the Stats widget available in your main dashboard in the past? If not, could you tell me why? Are there things that you’d like to see every time you visit your site, that are only available in the detailed stats? Can you think of specific elements you’d like to see in the Stats Widget, that would save you one click by offering you the information you need, right there in your main dashboard page?


    Thanks for the response. I’m glad to see you guys taking feedback into consideration.

    Just to be clear, I did not use Jetpack > Site Stats. I used the Stats Widget option (the one I assume you mentioned) available at the top admin bar, meaning that it would take only ONE click to get to stats. That was the primary reason I used JetPack Stats, since it was easy to check them. Right now, that option is gone, and it’s a MAJOR drawback.

    Furthermore, as many people have already mentioned, the lack of additional data on the Site Stats page is another big con post-update. That was another huge reason why I used JetPack Site Stats – I could see keywords used, referrals, most popular content and outgoing clicks on top of daily stats. These five factors are the only ones most webmasters are interested on a day to day basis.

    At the moment, I’m annoyed to have to go clicking to Admin > JetPack > Old Stats. This takes me three clicks and I don’t even get as in-depth data as I can get on Google Analytics. To get to Google Analytics, all I need is 1 click (bookmark).

    Post-updated, I’ve already switched to checking my data in Google Analytics now, because being on a laptop and using a touchpad, it’s truly inconvenient to try to mouse over 3 actions instead of 1. So unless we get the Top Site Stats Widget (in the admin top bar) that takes us to the OLD STATS, I don’t see ever using JetPack at all since there’s no reason to.

    In summary, here are the main features which made me use Site Stats before:

    – One-click widget accessible from the FRONT PAGE (not just WP backend)
    – Visual 48hr traffic display in the widget
    – 5 key statistics fields that tell me everything I want to know (accessible in just one click, from any page, front or backend, on the site)

    JetPack Site Stats is not as powerful as GA. Its selling point was CONVENIENCE and SPEED. Now that you’ve removed it, JetPack Site Stats has little to offer. I hope that makes sense.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by TFolder.
    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    I used the Stats Widget option (the one I assume you mentioned) available at the top admin bar, meaning that it would take only ONE click to get to stats. That was the primary reason I used JetPack Stats, since it was easy to check them. Right now, that option is gone, and it’s a MAJOR drawback.

    We didn’t remove that option. If it doesn’t appear on your site, it’s a bug. Could you go to Jetpack > Settings > Engagement, and make sure this checkbox is active?

    If it is, the stat chart should appear in your admin bar when looking at your site’s front end. Here is how it looks on my own site:

    It’s worth noting that the chart only appears on your site’s front end. It won’t appear when in your dashboard. The chart was built that way, but we’re considering adding it to the dashboard’s admin bar as well. You can follow our discussion on this here:

    If you don’t see the chart anywhere, could you contact us via this contact form, so we can run some more tests on your site with you, and understand why the chart disappeared for you?


    I’m annoyed to have to go clicking to Admin > JetPack > Old Stats. This takes me three clicks and I don’t even get as in-depth data as I can get on Google Analytics.

    The graph I mentioned above is one alternative to get to your stats in one click. Another is the Stats dashboard widget, appearing on your dashboard’s main page. The video I posted here should clarify things:

    5 key statistics fields that tell me everything I want to know

    keywords used, referrals, most popular content and outgoing clicks on top of daily stats. These five factors are the only ones most webmasters are interested on a day to day basis.

    This is clearly what’s missing from the new Stats. I took note of that, and we’ll see if we can add that to the new Stats graph in a future release, or make that graph configurable, as others have mentioned earlier on this thread.

    Thanks again for the feedback!

    I’m afraid the “one click” idea is only valid on either of the dashboards. From anywhere else in the admin section (i.e. edit post, new post, pages, every settings page for every plugin, etc.) it’s definitely two clicks. One to either dashboard (WP or JP), and one to the stats, with a page load for each.

    I’ve added the secondary plugin to put the menu item back but adding a plugin to enhance a plugin with a feature that it already had is…. well…. kinda silly.

    Please, add the stats link back to the left menu. It’s so simple to use. Hover, click, done.

    My stats section on my dashboard completely disappeared last week. Now it says my access is denied.

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    @davidbankes Your site doesn’t seem to be properly connected to WordPress.com at the moment. Could you try the following:

    1. Go the Jetpack menu in your dashboard
    2. Scroll down to find the Connections area.
    3. Click the “Manage site connection” link where your site is listed.
    4. Click the red Disconnect button.
    5. Click on the Connect button to connect your site to WordPress.com again.

    If that doesn’t help, can you please use Jetpack’s Debugger module to send us some more information about your site?

    1. Go to the Jetpack page in your dashboard.
    2. Click on the Debug link appearing at the bottom of the page.
    3. Click the link that says “click here to contact Jetpack support.”
    4. Fill in the description box and your name and email address.
    5. Click the “Contact Support” button to send us the debug results privately. It’s best not to post this information on public forums, as it contains private details about your site.


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