• I have just completed my first plugin for WordPress.
    It is called ‘Subscriber’ and it allows for people to subscribe to your weblog. It uses a flat-file to store the email addresses and allows people to subscribe/unsubscribe themselves as well as letting you send them an email independant of WP.
    It is currently version 1.0 and has been tested only on WP1.2
    More information and the download can be found at this link.
    I realise there are similar other mailing-list/subscriber type plugins out there, but neither did exactly what I wanted so I designed my own. Hope it is of use to somebody ??

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  • thanks for the reply –
    It seems to be working fine now. I think it must have something to do with some plugins I was using, or the order the plugins were loaded. I say this because my site (without any changes on my part) started to do some screwy things. The “User Online” plugin started displaying the IP on the index page along with a bunch of error code.
    I unactivated it… moved it… did something other things, and not sure what I ultimately did, but everything is working fine now.
    I guess I can just chalk it up to a weird hiccup.
    Thanks again for the reply!

    Hate to bother you, but I’ve been using this plug-in for about 1 month and it’s working very well. However, I’m curious as to why when I log into mailer.php, It says “The following e-mails are listed as subscribers:” and then lists, “1.” and that’s it. There are no e-mails. Yet, I know there are many people subscribed. Any suggestions?

    Thread Starter seriocomic


    The only way this would be showing is if there are no subscribers to the email list.
    Double check buy viewing viewing your list.dat file (if you still have it named list.dat then you should rename it list.dat.php for security reasons and make the appropriate change in both the mailer and subscriber files).
    If you have a list of email address in the list.dat(.php) file then there is a problem. But by process of elimination we will start with this step first.

    I’m a nincompoop. I never chmod 777 the list.dat.php file. I was never clued into this as I got a confirmation email of a successfull subscription. People, as the dolt, I cry to all to read the directions and follow them so we leave this generous individual alone and just enjoy his fine plugin ??

    I’m a nincompoop. I never chmod 777 the list.dat.php file. I was never clued into this as I got a confirmation email of a successfull subscription. People, as the dolt, I cry to all to read the directions and follow them so we leave this generous individual alone and just enjoy his fine plugin ??

    Say that again please ??
    The trouble is that if you type in https://www.yourblog.com/list.dat.php, with a CHMOD777, the whole list will show for whoever wants to look.
    Is there some way to avoid this?

    Thread Starter seriocomic


    CHMOD 755. This should still allow the server to write to the fle but prevent the world from viewing the file contents. Also renaming it file.dat.php adds another layer of security.
    If I am wrong here its because I am no guru myself. Any corrections or suggestions are kindly welcome.

    I’m afraid not. It’s a great plugin but I’ve been playing around with CHMOD values this morning and it only works correctly with a 777. I guess the safest way out is to rename the files with something unlikely. Unless someone has a better solution…

    I had also some Problems with CHMODing, and the Renamething.
    Now fot the rest of us how i think i’ve solved this Problem:
    (1) rename "xxx.dat" in "xxx.dat.php" and …
    (2) move the "xxx.dat.php" in a subfolder and …
    (3) .htaccess that folder and …
    (4) change the link to xxx.dat in <b>two</b> files: "subscriber.php" and "mailer.php" of the plugin a€“ at first I’ve often fortgotten the mail.php.
    Now i can’t access that file without a .htaccess password and so on. The only Problem I see is the URL-Password like https://www.yoursite.com/mailer.php?pw=xxxxx and perhaps that the emailadresses are plain Text in that file and not crypted a€“ yes I’ve some paranoia about being the reason for Spam-Mails of my Newslettersubsscr… (sorry for my bad english)

    Thread Starter seriocomic


    Thanks cube.
    I have been lazy and not done the promised updating of this plugin. It is high on my “to-do” list.

    I’ve also postet the following wish for an update in seriocomic’s Site:
    For me it would be absoluteley GREAT to have some of the following:
    Only send one single email after xx days with the little Links to the new posts.
    Because I think that my subscribers are not verry happy to receive 5 emails a day from my Newsletter.
    I know that this is not so easy to realize but seriocomic seems to be really good in php – and i’m not. :-))
    Thanks for that plugin!

    I’ve been using this for a while and it’s great. Thank you!
    Occasionally if I save as a draft and then publish it won’t work, but I think all these mail notification plugins have this problem – something to do with WP I guess. The newsletter function means that this isn’t so much of an issue – I just do it by hand.
    The only thing that would improve it for me would be a way of filtering categories, _ie_ notifications are only sent out if the entry is in category 1, or in any category other than 5, or whatever.
    This would probably be fairly simple to hack in, I’m just not sure how! Anybody?

    Thanks for the great plugin. I’m wondering if there is a way to include the text of the post in the email? It seems like this would jsut require adding the php call, but I don’t really know php very well. Does anyone have any ideas?

    How would I go about making the mailer only send when I post to a particular category, like “announcements”?

    I would like to use this plugin while not coming accross as an email spammer if I decide to post alot…
    Until then, it will remain disabled.

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