• Hi there. First thing first, thanks for the plugin, it is great!

    Anyway, I’ve trying to create my own custom theme by duplicating an existing one, let’s say the “flat theme” as an example, and then later I compile my custom theme colors.scss file with CodeKit app for Mac, and although I can successfully create another theme of my own when I upload it and apply it, the WP Admin Panel gets completely messed up.

    I also tried to manually change every single color hex on a original colors.css file I’ve duplicated and later applied it and the same issue persists.

    I’ve taken a screenshot in order to show what I mean.

    here it is: https://cl.ly/image/243i1d3W0f1Q

    Do you know of any other Plugin that allows us to successfully create new themes within WP admin panel? I’ve tried some with no avail.

    Thanks for your attention.


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  • Thread Starter Adriano Monecchi


    Bellow is the code I used to compile my theme, I added a few sintaxes to it though:

    $link: #3FA635;
    $link-focus: #39B54A;
    $base-color: #2c3e50;
    $highlight-color: #3FA635;
    $notification-color: #FE4444;
    $action-color: #3FA635;
    $menu-highlight-text: #ffffff;
    $menu-text: #ffffff;
    $menu-submenu-text: #bfc5ca;
    $menu-submenu-focus-text: #39B54A;
    $menu-submenu-background-alt: #3FA635;
    $menu-submenu-background: #1F2C3D;
    @import "../admin";

    If this helps: I added a new scheme, but needed to modify the admin-color-schemes.php file. In that file, I did two things, both relating to my new scheme (in its own folder: myscheme).

    1. Add myscheme to the private $colors line:

    private $colors = array(
      'vinyard', 'primary', '80s-kid', 'aubergine',
      'cruise', 'flat',  'lawn', 'seashore', 'myscheme'

    2. Add the information for the display of the scheme in WPAdmin:
    (I copied this from another scheme, and changed the colors to match my scheme)

      'myscheme', __( 'My Scheme', 'admin_schemes' ),
      plugins_url( "myscheme/colors$suffix.css", __FILE__ ),
      array( '#e0e0e0', '#404040', '#ff0000', '#606e99' ),
      array( 'base' => '#e0e0e0', 'focus' => '#fff', 'current' => '#fff' )

    Lastly: remember that if you are just modifying the plugin, that any update will wipe out your work. So save your work.

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