I’m inclined to agree with jhorbury, I’m afraid.
I’m no designer myself and I really DO appreciate the efforts that people put into designing themes for us all to play with, but what’s happened to the originality that used to be plentiful around here? Everything released lately looks exactly like the ten before it, just with a different header pic, or in a different colour! Dare I say, themes lately have become rather, erm, boring?
I expect some will jump down my throat telling me to come up with something better, or that I’m insulting the designers – but before they do, let me just restate once more…
1. I DO appreciate others efforts
2. I’m not a designer, so I recognise the fact that I probably can’t do any better
3. The same theme in ten differing colours does not equal ten new themes
4. Not EVERY theme release is wonderful, amazing or fantastic. Some of them are indeed crap.
I sort of remember saying the same kind of thing during the recent theme compo fiasco’s and was ripped apart by the baying fan-boys, none of whom really understood just what I was trying to say – namely, that there’s no longer any excitement around new theme releases any more, probably because we all know exactly what they’ll look like before they’re released (ie: just like the one before it!).
On a more positive note, Sadish is one of those that DOES inject a little originality into his themes – in fact some of them have been beautiful to look at.
This one wasn’t one of them.
Okay, I’m ready. Let the lions in now.