• hi everyone,
    I’ve put my current page design for download (my first theme btw).
    It’s called “iRoybots SlatyStain” and can be found at the Demonstration Page.

    I highly recommend to install the “Revised-Image-Headlines” Plugin before activating the theme which adds a PNG image (based on a ttf-font of your choice) to a posts’ title.
    The whole Stylesheet is placed in Stylesheet.php in order to use php-compression. (server-side caching via gzip)
    Several alternate Sidebar Images are included in the Zip (headlines) as well as a blank header.jpg
    hmm, whatelse? A mimetype-switch decides to send XHTML 1.1 (application/xhtml+xml) or HTML 4.01 (sgml) depending on the browser the visitor uses…

    One Question:
    Would be nice if someone knows a way to avoid the code, that is necessary to put directly into posts to display the thumbnails (the thumbholder consists if several divs – take a look at demo-page for example code). I’ve thought of an additional tag <fancythumb><img src="bla.bla" /></fancythumb> something like that, that was more theme-switch-friendly…
    any ideas on this issue?
    if you find any errors or bugs, please report them in order to fix.

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  • I have some issues with navigation on the demo site but I do like the color scheme. I may steal the color scheme when I redo my weight loss blog.

    Amazing theme!!!

    I would love to see it localised, per

    damnit doesnt happen to me on any other themes

    Thread Starter _erik_


    this is btw a very strange validation error, that i heven’t seen so far:

    I got the following unexpected response when trying to retrieve <https://makki.negimaki.com/blog/&gt;:

    412 Precondition Failed

    Please make sure you have entered the URL correctly.

    so again i’m not sure what causes the error. i had another idea, but making your site validate (validator.w3.org) would be first advice to give [if i knew what causes that message :-/ very strange] so maybe its a caching error caused by gzipping the stylesheet. if that was the case (you see im just guessing …) you’ll have to copy everything from Stylesheet.php (starting after ?> with the line that says /*) and save it as style.css
    furthermore you’d change the header.php line with the stylesheet ref into:
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/style.css" />
    if this doesn’t help i have no clue for now.
    maybe you could additionally write a file called info.php with the following content: <?php phpinfo(); ?> and store it in your domains root-folder, so i can take a closer look at your configuration tomorrow…
    greets erik

    Thread Starter _erik_


    makki, but none of your themes validate? have you noticed?

    Anyone knows an English tutorial to do such effects on images??

    this is a theme problem not my server setup also this appears to be a wp 1.2 not 1.5 compliant theme. anyways nice theme but i will leave it for now thanks

    Thread Starter _erik_


    makki, i’m really confused but sorry for the problems anyway, did you really replace the first two lines of header.php with XHTML 1.0 Transitional Doctype and html tags? else i try to help tomorrow, see you!

    iraq, this is simple css: opacity-attribute (0.5 for links and 1.0 for hover) additionally for the ie there is filter: alpha(opacity=50) and the according 100 for the hover. all other geckos want -moz-opacity: .5 (for example) but that doesn’t validate and i also have problems getting netscape to do this (still dont)
    kind regards

    Thread Starter _erik_


    i’m too new to wp that the theme could be written for wp 1.2 and the theme runs even in an xhtml 1.0 frameset as you can see at https://themes.wordpress.net , so to quote the first google result i found on your blogs validation-error:

    “Your Web server thinks that the HTTP data stream sent by the client (e.g. your Web browser) included a ‘Precondition’ specification which the server detected was not met.
    This error seldom occurs in most Web traffic, particularly when the client system is a Web browser. The problem can only be resolved by examining what your client system is trying to do then discussing with your ISP why the Web server fails the ‘Precondition’ specification sent by the client system.
    This error should simply never occur on your CheckUpDown account. If it does, it typically indicates defective programming of our systems or of the Web server which manages your site. The ‘Precondition’ specification is irrelevant to the type of access we use when we check your URL.
    Contact your Servers Host whenever you encounter 412 errors – there is nothing you can do to sort them out.”

    only thing that i could guess, that your php is compiled wrong. so i guess: the error could be in gzipping the css, but i’m neither php nor server expert…

    thanks to all the others for their feedback! much appreciated! and i think stealing colours is evil ?? but go ahead ??

    Thread Starter _erik_


    i’m not sure if i get the article behind your link (hmm, lack of english understanding-skill) so, ok localise the theme, and what …? that all sounds like spanish to me :-O

    Currently in the theme you have code that looks like
    <h2 id=”comments”>Comments</h2>

    Now, suppose I want to translate in Greek, I would have to edit the .php files directly and replace “Comments” with my translation.

    However, there is a library called gettext that makes this localisation (translation) much easier. It is used already for WordPress itself, and can also be used for plugins and themes. You have to enclose any strings that are translatable like in
    <h2 id=”comments”>_e(“Comments”)</h2>
    <?php edit_post_link(__(‘Edit’), ”, ”); ?>

    [_e(“xxxx”) means that the theme will echo() the message “xxxx”]
    [__(‘Edit’) means that the theme will return () the message “Edit”].

    For more on the localisation process, see https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Localizing_WordPress

    Another theme that has been internationalised (has been converted so that people can translation-localise) is Giraffe.
    and have a look at the sidebar called “Localisation”. You can change on the fly the language of the theme to several languages!

    Nice theme Erik.

    We were just about to start using it and then noticed that the licence restrictions mean we cannot add our own ‘individuality’ to it in the form of different graphics etc.

    We just do not want to use a theme that is exactly the same in other locations around the Net. That’s a shame but your choice of course.

    Outstanding tutorial for using the theme, on the Demonstration page:

    Such as the “styleguide” that shows your colors and what they’re used for.

    erik: both!

    I noticed you added some comments in php shorttag, which is no good as many servers are configured not to use shorttags (and rightly so!), and it’s also confusing in an XML environment.

    Also, you should warn people that if they use your theme as-is, all their content falls under your CC license. Not something I’d be happy with… Among other things it prohibits commercial use.

    I also noticed you basically copied my (not completely original) code for the mimetype negotiation, which I published under the GPL. You neither mention the source of your code, nor the open license, but place it all under a restricted license, as if it’s all your code.

    I think it would be better practice to release code for WP under the GPL, just like WP itself. (You can always license the images separately if you want to restrict commercial use of them.)

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