• Hi, I am using the latest WordPress 3.4.1. The problem is I uploaded a new theme but the new theme is not visible in (Dashboard > Themes)

    Here are the steps I took.

    1) I downloaded a new theme from the internet.
    2) I then uploaded it to the “Themes” folder using FTP
    3) I then logged in to my WP Dashboard and went to the “Themes” button.
    4) The new theme was not there!

    What have I done wrong?

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  • Dashboard > Appearance > Themes. Don’t find there? Is it in your theme’s directory?

    Please, make sure that style.css containing theme info for wordpress in present in theme directory and defines unique theme name.

    Thread Starter Paint Guy


    Thanks everyone. i think I figured it out. I had 2 copies of everything in the Themes folder.

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