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  • joan


    Perhaps it wasn’t your intention, but the way you worded your post made it sound very negative and not very complimentary of the theme viewer.

    “but by no stretch of the imagination does it include the greatest of what wp theme designers have to offer.”

    “As a matter of fact, when I go looking for a new theme the last place I go is the theme browser.”

    My apologies for misreading you, but it did honestly seem that you were being less than complimentary of the hard work put into this project and I didn’t feel that was very fair. I see that you’ve started a thread to point out other sources to find themes, and realize that you were just trying to let people know they were out there. Your initial choice of words, however, didn’t make that come across very well. Again, I’m sorry for the misunderstanding, and thank you for posting those other sources.



    Well, the reasons all themes cant be included in every single theme gallery might be because the theme authors doesnt take the step and sends a mail to shadow, upload it, link it in the codex etc.

    Its a shame, these theme galleries really are good promotion! I have a couple of themes that has been downloaded 200-300 times each – and if it wasnt for these free theme-promotion resources they wouldnt have been downloaded that many times (within 2-3 weeks)



    Thanks to the people involved for all the hard work.




    I think the url in the first post is broken. It leads me to the homepage and I don’t see a theme viewer there.



    TwoMotifs – I had asked later on if it had moved, and there was a reply that it can now be found here:

    (however I too am getting a “not found” error at the moment, I was looking at it just 12 hours ago and it was working fine)

    You might want to scan the full thread for updates to the information posted… :/

    muchas gracias ??

    As many of you are aware, a few more options for looking at WordPress themes have been developed by varying people across the Net.

    There are also a few people who claim to have the biggest, best and most spectacular lists of themes with some of these having even gone so far as to copyright them and make them exclusive to themselves.

    That is all well and good and I have no wish to comment on any of these other options. Likewise, it is up to each and every individual to decide as to whether or not they are used.

    However, the Theme Viewer located at has been in place for some 18 months now and has always been maintained by myself. It is free of advertising. There is absolutely no personal gain to myself and I try to keep it free of any bias or personal opinion of any kind. It is simply a service for other WordPress users.

    Like any project of this nature, it is always in development and the next step for the Theme Viewer is to now bring it all up to date and make it a much more conclusive endeavour.

    In this light, I would like to ask if any people who would like to continue to support WordPress could find the time to help out in this development.

    Three main areas are to be dealt with first.

    1. Tagging:
    A lot of the tagging has already taken place and a huge thank you to to those people who assisted in the first run of tagging some months ago. More needs to be done though and once we have a few people ready to roll we will discuss the next phase.

    2. Theme Scavenging:
    Find as many themes as possibe across the Net and bag them for the Theme Viewer to display. This involves finding the themes, making a specific-sized screenshot, making sure the theme works and then adding it to the display.

    3. A Centralised Theme List:
    Obviously, very similar in it’s aim tothe Codex list excet that this will all be located inthe same place as the themes. We need to add a complete list of all the themes with author details, urls and any other relevant info into one adjoining section of the Theme Viewer.

    The overall aim of course, is to make this the one-stop place for WP themes.

    It may sound like a huge task and yes it is in many ways, although to be honest, much of the work has already been done and is actually in place. I just need a reliable and committed group of people who would like to give something back to WordPress. It is not a pursuit for the glorymongers but is it very highly valued.

    Please get in touch if you are willing to be involved [shadow12 – gmail]

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