• https://www.everydayfaith.org
    Three questions:
    I “McGyver-ed” my template and for the most part I’m happy with it, especially considering how little I know. One problem I do have is resizing: the background resizes when the window is changed, but everything else stays in place. Help?
    Also, I have heard how bad IE is of late. What’s the best alternative?
    Lastly (is that a real word?), are there some good pugins/hacks/photo gallery programs available for creating additional gallery pages?
    Thanks in advance for all your help.

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  • t_o_m,
    I’m not seeing the resizing problem…perhaps you’ve fixed it already?
    IE has always been bad. ?? Too bad so many use it. That said, I highly recommend Mozilla or Firefox as a browser. There are many extensions available to you which can assist you in the design and troubleshooting of your site(s). They are free, and are widely supported by a HUGE user base.
    Some here will suggest Opera, but they are all insane. Just ignore them. LOL! ??
    There are some photo-gallery/blogging tools out there. Alex King has one, along with other fun stuff here.
    WTC is also a great place to look for such things. Pictorialis and Pictorialis II are available.
    I’d also such a search here on the forums, as a lot of folks have helped out with photo stuff and there are likely other tools out there that have slipped my mind.
    I like your site design, too!

    Lastly is real but wth is McGyvered? Complete etymology with references please ??
    Not sure what you mean about resizing? Looks OK to me…
    Browsers: a lot of people here use Firefox (download at mozilla.org) and some use Opera (opera.com)

    Ha the moose beat me to it! Although I am typing this in Firefox, I need to stick up for Sushubh here and point out two plus points for Opera: resizing includes images, and integrated RSS reader.

    “McGyver” was a popular TV show in the US and Canada where the central character, McGyver, was famous for being someone who could escape from a prison cell that was wrapped in explosives using a penny he found on the floor, a lace from his shoe, and two buttons off of his shirt. In other words, he could always make something cool out of a very basic set of tools and materials.
    Oh, and t_o_m, ignore eric’s comments about Opera. He’s obviously insane like Sushubh! ??

    Thread Starter the_other_mike


    Both of you guys, lol…
    Moose, thanks for the assist on my McGyver-ism. Maybe it’s just my version of IE that’s can’t work resizing.
    Hmmm, Opera or FireFox; looks like I’ll have to try both.
    Thanks for the help; I really appreciate it!

    Well other mike for some reason you have defined a width for the body in your css. That is not what many of us would do. Hence the browser problem.

    Thread Starter the_other_mike


    Thanks Root!
    Removing the width tag fixed it, even in IE.

    Even in IE ? No. ??

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