New to WordPress and this whole thing
I tried for 6 hours to follow the instructions I received from my domain company 1and1. The instructions are below. I do know that I copied over directory and the files. Which I realized after that I was not supposed to do. Not sure how to choose just the files though, but can find that out.
In doing all of this I was wondering if I am supposed to first use WordPress alone and create a blog or do I have to have the domain and install WordPress and THEN create the blog on that site? Like I said a greenhorn.
Once I get all of this migrated into 1and1 will I be able to click on the icon on my desktop called WordPress and will it start up to work in or how does that work? I do not see an executable file in any of the files in that icon.
Thank you so much for any help.
In connection to my phone conversation with Lynn. Below is the detailed procedures to Install wordpress:
*Get your FTP Account Information:
1.Login to your 1&1 Control Panel
2.Go to Administration tab and look for FTP account.
3.You can see the username and if you do not know the password click on Edit to change it.*Use an FTP client:
Any FTP client may be used to make a connection to your 1&1 webspace provided
the following information are correctly entered:Download first filezilla visit this link:
1. FTP Hostname (your domain name)
2. User name
3. Password*Create MySQL database
1.Login to your 1&1 Control Panel
2.Go to Administration tab.
3.Click on MySQL administration.
4.Click on New Database.
Once done creating the database take note of all the database information.
Like the database name ,username,password and hostname.Download WordPress
* Go to and download the latest version (WordPress 2.9)
* WordPress 2.9 comes in a .zip file so unzip it
* Now you have a WordPress folder
* Find the wp-config-sample.php file and rename it to wp-config.phpOpen wp-config.php in text editor (like NotePad++) and find this part:
// ** MySQL settings – You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘putyourdbnamehere‘);
/** MySQL database username */
define(‘DB_USER’, ‘usernamehere‘);
/** MySQL database password */
define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘yourpasswordhere‘);
/** MySQL hostname */
define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost‘);Take your MySQL Database Information you have from 1&1 Control Panel MySQL administration:
* Your MySQL Database Name should replace putyourdbnamehere
* Your MySQL User Name should replace usernamehere
* Your MySQL password should replace yourpasswordhere
* Your MySQL Host Name should replace localhost
*Then Save wp-config.phpOnce done with all of that you need to upload the files to Filezilla.
You need to establish connection since you already download filezilla on our 2nd step.How do I use FileZilla to connect to my webspace? connected place all the files from your WordPress folder onto your server.
Just drag and drop the files from local site to remote site.
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