Not all new users topic and post must be approved. Only spam suspected entries go for moderation. The Spam Suspicion is being made by wpForo Spam Control and Akismet (if it’s enabled).
If you got almost all new topics and posts of new users as unapproved, we recommend decrease the Spam Suspicion levels but not disable it. Please set these options values in Dashboard > Forums > Tools > Antispam admin page:
- Spam Suspicion Level for Topics – 20
- Spam Suspicion Level for Posts – 25
The Spam Control will help you a lot when spammers find your forum and start to create spam topics and posts. So this function is very useful and we don’t recommend to turn it off. It worth to spend a few seconds to approve spam suspected topics instead of allowing spammers content be displayed on forum.
For example on spam topics become unapproved like this one:

In any case if you’re sure that you don’t have spam problem, you can disable wpForo Spam Control in Dashboard > Forums > Tools > Antispam admin page, just set “No” the “Enable wpForo Spam Control” option.