• We’re experiencing problems with new topics in groups not sending to group members. The problem seems to be on line 470 of bp-activity-subscription-functions.php where you test for bbp_topic_create. Based on a system-wide search, that type doesn’t seem to be used or created anywhere. Instead, the correct type appears to be: ‘activity_update’.

    To fix this problem, we changed line 470 to read as follows:
    if ( $group_status == 'supersub' || ( $group_status == 'sub' && $type == 'bbp_topic_create' ) || ( $group_status == 'sub' && $type == 'activity_update' ) ) {

    You may want to look into this problem in future versions.


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  • Plugin Author r-a-y


    Hi TruthMedia,

    Thanks for your post.

    However, this doesn’t sound correct to me:
    $group_status == 'sub' && $type == 'activity_update'

    This implies that the user’s group status is “New Topics” and that the activity type is a group status update (not a forum topic).

    What are you using for your forums? The bbPress plugin or the bundled forums that come with BuddyPress?

    "bbp_topic_create" is used with the bbPress 2 plugin.

    If you’re using the bundled forums that come with BuddyPress, new topics should be sent out using the ass_group_notification_forum_posts() function.

    I’ve just verified this on a BP 1.6.4 and a BP 1.7 install. What version of BP are you using so I can debug? 1.7?

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