• I believe the translations for French and German have reached potential release size.

    Do I understand correctly that those locales are missing Translation Editors and thus cannot profit from this platform’s automatic releases of language packs?

    Would s/b mind installing some?

    I would volunteer for the German position.
    Obviously I have written most of the currently waiting set of German translations, so I would get somebody to validate them. I already copied strings that I suspect to not need/warrant/allow translation, and I’ve left out those (mostly “meeting types”) that I could not figure out via quick research about each programme.

    I might also be able to find a French-speaker for the other position.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author tech2serve


    Hi @wokat, My delay in getting back to you is that I want to find someone else on our team who is smarter about translations. It isn’t me.

    Can you tell me what you mean by “s/b”?

    I believe I inadvertently led you to this WordPress forum with the meeting type discussion. We’re trying to use this forum for user support topics, and the GitHub issues for development related. Long term, this discussion should be over at GitHub, but I’ll to get someone over here to chart a path forward.

    Thank you for volunteering to help with the translations! That is so important for the International AA community. Dankesch?n!

    Thread Starter wokat


    Sorry, “s/b” meant “somebody”… Ah, sounds good. I assumed, this being the translation platform, it would be a good place… Will go to GitHub for everything dev next time.


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