It looks like like it’s NOT getting into here:
// Check if extensions required for XSL/Dom Transformations are loaded
$this->xml_ext_loaded = (extension_loaded('xsl') && extension_loaded('dom')) ? (true) : (false);
// Load element class
// If proper extensions are loaded, load XML transformation plugin and record set list class
if ($this->xml_ext_loaded) {
if ($this->mode == 'litefw') {
So that tells me something changed with the the XSL and DOM extensions not being loaded.
I assume you were using this before and it was working fine? You said after you “updated” are you talking about after you updated the staff list plugin or after you updated something on the server?
I checked your phpinfo() and it looks like XSL and XSLT are not enabled. Can you check with your host about why that was disabled?