• Read the dev blog.

    Backing up your database and files is recommended before ANY upgrade

    ==== The official method.====
    Upgrade just like any other upgrade:
    – delete
    /wp-includes (but NOT your languages folder!!)
    all wp-* files at root EXCEPT wp-config.php
    (Leave /wp-content and /wp-images alone.)

    – upload the replacements for what you have deleted (so don’t upload /wp-content or /wp-images)

    Use the link in the Dev blog to read the Codex page on upgrading.

    There is no need to run upgrade.php after doing this.

    ====The UNofficial method====
    Right now I don’t have the changelog, but a list of the changed files is below. If you do it this way, you are on your own as far as support is concerned.

    These can be downloaded from here:

    Before posting questions, please read all other posts in this thread and also the Codex page. It may well save you time.

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  • So what “breaks” for others? I mean the plugins are listed in one option in the database – so the contents of that option gets “fried” – no biggie, just empty it and start over. What am I missing?

    I dunno – I’ve not “broken” anything as yet…. well, at least by upgrading without disabling plugins, that is.

    Moderator James Huff


    I forgot to disable my plugins when I upgraded from v1.5 to v1.5.1, and a conflict between Kafkaesqu?-’s Entity2NCR plugin and a new feature in WordPress v1.5.1, that was basically exactly the same as Entity2NCR, turned my blog into one big parse error. The only way to fix it was to either delete the plugin file, or edit the plugin file so that it only had the header in it and “safely” deactivate it via the plugin interface.

    While this happened because I forgot to disable the plugin before upgrading, the same would have happened if I had disabled it and then enabled it after upgrading.

    I always expect something to break when I upgrade. That way, I’m prepared if something does break, and pleasantly surprised when it doesn’t.

    *laughing* macmanx, you just stated my “theory of living life” exactly…. I always expect and plan for the worst, and then I can be pleasantly surprised if the worst does not come to pass.

    I’ve lived nearly 58 years by that attitude, and I’ve found it works quite well.

    I’ve customized a couple of the 1.5.2-affected files. Even with the hacks and without disabling my 14 plugins, I was able to upgrade easily. But disabling first (and backing up!) is always a good idea.

    Back in 1.5.0 I learned the hard way to carefully document every home-grown tweak I make to the WP core. It adds some work, but upgrades are much easier and safer.

    Just did the minor upgrade also. At first I thought everything was fine, but then I noticed that all the internal links were giving 404 errors. I finally replaced the .htaccess file created on the new install with the old file. Now everything is back to working. So I’m guessing that something was wrong with the rewrite rules, but I’m not that great with the coding. I’ll look it over a bit more later.

    Thanks to everyone involved in producing the new version. I too forgot to disable plugins, but the upgrades were successful.

    In contravention to the advice, I didn’t delete the old .htaccess file because I couldn’t see why this was necessary. It would be helpful to know why this is recommended.

    Thread Starter Mark (podz)


    I didn’t delete my .htaccess either.

    If we say “Delete your .htaccess then redo your permalinks” we end up with people posting that their .htaccess is full of custom stuff and why can’t WP work round it and WP is just SOOOO bad at all this upgrading and why can’t we have it done with a single click like [insert product of choice] and I won’t upgrade because of this and so my blog will be at risk and it’s all YOUR fault. *sob* *whinge* *boooo*


    If we say to NOT delete your .htccess, then we will sometimes have people posting here with “HELP I CANT SEE MY BLOGGGG!!!!11!!!1!!!!!!!” and all they need to do is delete the .htaccess and do another one.

    So either way, we can’t please all of the people all of the time.
    I’ll try and address this in the new upgrade guides.

    Note: artistic licence taken with the above two descriptions ??

    Thanks for the reply, but I’m still not clear why leaving the .htaccess file as it is would cause a problem on an upgrade such as this one. If the database remains untouched, why is it an issue?

    May not be… with this release.

    Moderator James Huff


    Just clarify what I think Beel is saying,

    It may not be an issue with going from v1.5.1.3 to v1.5.2, but it may be an issue with going from v1.5.x.x to v1.5.2.

    In the short time it was up, I came to rely on the “latest reply” link up top… any chance it will be fixed?? Sure was handy, especially for long threads like this.

    Yep, I meant any update, past or future, may be an issue or may not – it just depends on what changes from the version you happen to be using to the version to which you are upgrading.

    Just changed the files and ran upgrade.php now. Worked a charm.

    im just wondering how come theres always updates and vulnerblties? i feel like this is owned by b gates. but dnt take me wrong..i really love wp but why such thing?

    Updates are necessary for three basic reasons:
    * to fix exploits that can lead to a compromise
    * to fix things that don’t work as they should
    * to add new features

    Yes, it can be aggravating to upgrade several times in quick succession. Of course, it’s more aggravating to recover from a compromised blog. I’ve helped people do it privately, as well as in the forums here. It’s not fun. Given the choice, I’d rather take a few minutes of hassle to upgrade every couple of months.

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