Ooh, frames. Like, totally gnarly, dude. {{Goes off in search of Bangles LP.}}
Frames are no longer cutting edge if ever they were; I never used them but using them doesn’t make one a Bad Person. I think the design (color scheme) would serve a niche market of, e.g., retro sites. Heck, I even designed a skin a long time ago with True Type Microscan A in lime green on a black background with a big honking Rubik’s Cube in the corner.
I think the OP should consider using different colors to make the site more “newsy.” If you want people to take your site seriously (as you would if you were putting out “news” or news-like items), you will want it to look as conservative as possible. This does not translate into “make your site look as boring or unimaginative.” There are a lot of well designed, attractive newsy sites out there and I offer these as examples:
They avoid a screaming “newspaper” layout but still manage to present quite a bit of information in a small area. Just thoughts.