• Thought you may be interested in how I am using WordPress. Instead of using it as a blog, I am using it in an extremely customized form as a news management system. See the new redesigned HardwareHacks 2000 at https://don.mozfaq.org . At first glance, you would have no idea that the news page is even powered by WordPress.

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  • I guess the frames, and lack of reference to WP is part of your master plan of deception?

    Though I agree that frames are not a good thing (as well as tables), I don’t think we – or anybody for that matter – can “forbid” people using them. It is their own website and it doesn’t make us a better person if we use divs ??
    And I do not see any kind of “deception” here. The owner of the site is entitled to use frames if s/he wishes and nobody is required (legally) to have reference to WP on their site.
    Let’s not force our taste upon others…

    I apologize if that’s how it came across. I was not forbidding anything, nor did I say he needed to reference anything.
    Don mentioned that at first glance you would have no idea that WP was used, and I was simply agreeing, albeit, in my own sarcastic way.
    In his defense, he does mention WP in the actual News post, which I failed to pay attention to at first look.


    “And I do not see any kind of “deception” here.”

    While strictly true the least you could have done is leave a reference to WP in the source code.

    Courtesy is a wonderful thing even if it’s not “required (legally).”

    And while I’m in a snarky mood, the colors clash and are tiring to look at.

    You’re not the first to use WordPress for news you know. ??

    Been using it myself for around 18 months for the news on one of my sites and I’m sure others have been doing so for longer. ??

    Oh, and +1 to the dislike of using frames. Colors aren’t that hot either.

    Not a fan of frames eiher. Nor of the colors (although I have seen FAR worse combinations, this one at least makes some sense – cue nostalgic moment of green screen memories)

    However, it’s his site, and odds are we aren’t the target audience for it anyways, so who gives a flying frag what colors are used or if frames are used at all?


    “Welcome to the new layout of HardwareHacks 2000. The new ……..While the code of these pages are modernized and advanced, it is also backwards…….”
    this sentences are marketing lies —all people who know a little bit about css php and html reacognize that this are marketing lies….

    frames are *old technic* absolutely depricated in *modern web standards*
    using old technics to offering *news* is the best way to loose user


    On the homepage, in the source for the “main” frame (front/index.php), you still see:

    <meta name="generator" content="WordPress 1.5.2" /> <!-- leave this for stats -->


    Super Sleuth Karel

    These pages are developed with Microsoft Visual Web Developer


    Heavily disliking the look & layout. And far from a ‘new use’ — CHAITGEAR has been running since Dec 03…


    David, fix you link! And get back to work on your plugins so you can post a new thread destined to great “lengths”.

    I’d have to second your opinions, too, the look and feel had me click two menu titles and quickly leave. The design definitely didn’t pique any interest, sorry.

    I’m with David.

    Ooh, frames. Like, totally gnarly, dude. {{Goes off in search of Bangles LP.}}

    Frames are no longer cutting edge if ever they were; I never used them but using them doesn’t make one a Bad Person. I think the design (color scheme) would serve a niche market of, e.g., retro sites. Heck, I even designed a skin a long time ago with True Type Microscan A in lime green on a black background with a big honking Rubik’s Cube in the corner.

    I think the OP should consider using different colors to make the site more “newsy.” If you want people to take your site seriously (as you would if you were putting out “news” or news-like items), you will want it to look as conservative as possible. This does not translate into “make your site look as boring or unimaginative.” There are a lot of well designed, attractive newsy sites out there and I offer these as examples:



    They avoid a screaming “newspaper” layout but still manage to present quite a bit of information in a small area. Just thoughts.

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