I have been doing some research and came across this post:
This explains that in fact someone is registering on my site as a new user.
I deliberately removed the wp-log.php link from my blog so as users didn’t have to register. So some how a spammer / hacker what ever you want to call them as decided to guess my url and for some reason only known to them create a new user. I know this user isn’t a fan of the site because the url in their domain is a porn site! In addition they never left a comment.
The link I give above suggests I go into Options and tick “Users must be registered and logged in to comment” instead of “Anyone can register”.
Well my response to this is that when I have it set to “Users must be registered and logged in to comment” no one ever leaves a comment.
This is because if someone clicks on the comments link they are presented with a page that says:
“Leave a Reply
You must be logged in to post a comment.”
If they click on the words “logged in” they are presented with a login page.
It says Username and Password and the word Login
So I ask myself how can anyone login if they are not registered.
Below this it says:
Back to my blog homepage
Lost your password?
Again I can not see how anyone can register .
Then I decide to click “Anyone can register” and to my amazement this page offers away to register.
I’m so confused why the tick boxes are labeled as they are. Why would someone have comments on their site and then be able to lead someone to a page where they have no chance of leaving a comment, even if they are willing to sign up. I just don’t get it.
I’m going to run the site this way and see what happens. I scared I won’t get any comments to be honest with you – who really wants to sign up to a site just to leave a message.
Any views if this is the right thing to do?
I assume it is best to make default users subscribers and nothing more (this way they can leave comments and nothing else). I had my default set to authors – can you believe it I was allowing anyone to make posts on my blog!
One thing is for sure with WordPress you really need to know what every little tick box and setting REALLY means otherwise you can leave yourself in hot water.