• I need to redirect new users who register through this plugin to a welcome/onboarding process to complete their profile?

    How do I redirect them to a specific page just the first time the sign up? After that anytime they login with the plugin it can use the standard setting of going back to the page they were on.



    Any ideas? We really need to be able to redirect new users to a specific page upon registration.. I’ve tried the other plugins (e.g Peters redirect etc) and nothing seems to work.. Help!

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  • Find anything on this, looking to do the same thing. Haven’t found a filter or action for this either.


    I’m looking for the same thing and created a Gist:

    However I’m not sure if this would work, a) because I’m not sure if it’s possible to call a filter inside an action hook and b) because I’m not sure if the order is correct.

    But feel free to adapt and test the code, comments on the Gist are welcome.



    I’ve also been trying to find a solution in a similar fashion to Jonas but with the same issue. The $redirect_to link gets set before the user is created/authenticated but I can’t currently see a way to access and modify the redirect link after the wsl_hook_process_login_alter_redirect_to hook.

    Ideally, we’d want to be able to make the modifications at the wsl_hook_process_login_before_wp_safe_redirect hook, just before the user gets redirected so we can check the user meta to see if they’re profile is complete.

    I’m not sure whether there’s a possibility that we can hook into login_redirect or wp_login when they’re called and modify the redirect URL there perhaps before the user is redirected but it would be nice to stick to the WSL hooks where possible, really.


    Basically, it would be a good idea to use a filter instead of an action for wsl_hook_process_login_before_wp_safe_redirect. We then could compare the user IDs via wsl_hook_process_login_after_wp_insert_user for example.

    Do you agree? If so, I can create a pull request for the plugin.

    I am looking for the same thing.
    I use wp-members for other purpose and they did have a example of doing the same thing. https://rocketgeek.com/filter-hooks/redirect-a-user-on-first-login/

    of course it does not work with wp social login, but might help you developing another filter.

    wouldnt the Redirect URL in the widget settings do the needful?

    First, I do not use the widget to login.
    Second, I do not want everybody to be redirected, only those who did not fill their required profile fields. (most for fist time users)

    I resolved this using a workaround:

    I created a page where all users get redirect to after login or registration through WSL. Then on this page I checked if a dedicated flag for this user (user meta field) is set; if not the user has just registered and I set the flag, if yes the user was registered before.

    I’ve added filter in plugin –
    File – includes/services/wsl.authentication.php
    Line No. – 886

    $redirect_to = apply_filters('wsl_after_login_redirect_uri', $user_id, $redirect_to);

    Although I would request plugin author to add above or similar filter which would help to modify redirect url after user logged in.

    Cheers ??

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