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  • The WordPress new user notification has changed significantly in 4.3. See
    I’m not a php programmer, but it appears that the password is generated, encrypted and stored on the database. This means that it is no longer accessible to post in an email.
    The reason for seeing “both” as the password is that the parameter that was used for the password is now used for sending either the admin email or both!

    At the moment I have deactivated the plugin on my sites so that the WordPress notification is sent with the link for the user to change their password. I suspect that the plugin will need to be changed to do the same.
    If I can find a workaround before the plugin author returns I’ll post it up.

    I’ve tried and no luck as well. The password field remains blank. I’m using plaintext_password with pass1_text and no luck. Also is anyone having issues with deactivating this plugin? I cant seem to deactivate it! Any assistance on this would be much appreciated.

    I have done some work looking into this issue, Iv been posting them in a separate tread. I also noted this problem with trying to deactivate the plugin. I had to FTP into the files and “rename” welcome-email-editor and add a period in front of it. That will force the plugin to deactivate problem is, even if you deactivate the plugin ppl are noticing an issue with the base WP 4.3 not scrubbing the key from the URL after a password reset or registration so users are getting told “key has expired”.

    Iv been looking to see if someone has a fix for this in WP 4.3.1

    I had this same issue – and it is fixed. I can’t thank you enough for this plugin. It has been very valuable for me. Where can I donate?

    Sorry; call me dense. What is the fix? I am not seeing it above.

    Nether $_POST[‘pass1’] nor $_POST[‘pass1_text’] works for me. Still ‘both’ as password

    Looks like the field is now named ‘pass1-text’. Yay!
    So danbodenstein’s hack with this new field name will work.

    That is:

    Edit the plugin file sb_welcome_email_editor.php
    $admin_message = str_replace(‘[plaintext_password]’, $plaintext_pass, $admin_message);
    change to
    $admin_message = str_replace(‘[plaintext_password]’, $_POST[‘pass1-text’], $admin_message);

    $user_message = str_replace(‘[plaintext_password]’, $plaintext_pass, $user_message);
    Change to
    $user_message = str_replace(‘[plaintext_password]’, $_POST[‘pass1-text’], $user_message);

    Note: pass1-text and not pass1_text.

    patricks_abc: it’s pass1-text with a dash, not underscore.
    Supereasy to overlook :/

    With the changes in the PHP the welcome email is now send as [user_password] instead of the password.
    Any ideas how this can be fixed?

    Hi all, sorry about the silence. I’m back from holiday now. I’m going to be looking at things properly in the next day or two. It looks like the way WordPress deals with this email by default is to send people a link to the password selection page instead of sending their password over. In instances where the password is selected as part of the registration process it might be on POST as stated in this thread but it might not also be the case. I’ll release a new
    Version which fixes the issues in the next day or two. Apologies for the issues that it’s causing people.


    Thank you Sean, I think we’re all waiting for a fix for this.
    And please don’t go on holiday anymore, ok? ??

    Dear Sean Barton,

    The solution that danbodenstein says, works fine! I think that you should simply update the plugin with these two changes.

    Thanks for your help here!

    @buildwebguide, that solution doesn’t work for me. The email sends out a password as [user_password], so without mentioning the created password.

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