• Hello
    I start a blog with buddyPress.
    I installed i theme security. But after i restet that because i can’t go in my dashboard so : ( i removerd itsec on my phpmyadmin, and delete plug in > ithemesecurity and upload > itheme security ). After i re installed itheme security and i remake my itheme security settings. Now i stay 2 medium priority and 3 low prioryt (`Medium Priority
    These are items that should be secured if possible however they are not critical to the overall security of your site.

    Your site is performing scheduled database backups but is not backing up files. Consider purchasing or scheduling BackupBuddy to protect your investment.
    Fix it

    Your WordPress Dashboard is using the default addresses. This can make a brute force attack much easier.
    Fix it

    Low Priority
    These are items that should be secured if, and only if, your plugins or theme do not conflict with their use.

    Your WordPress Salts have not been changed. You should change them now.
    Fix it

    You are enforcing strong passwords, but not for all users.
    Fix it

    XML-RPC is protecting you from the trackback and pingback attack but is still available on your site.`
    But i got new user robot everyday…


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