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  • Thanks Julie (@juliejubilee)!



    Obviously I’m having the same issues as everyone else so just wanted to add my voice to the crowd. I use WP-SCSS on a lot of sites, and reverting to the old version on some sites is getting a bit messy.

    An official update to fix this issue from the devs would be massively appreciated. Thanks in advance!



    Hi devs, hi all

    I have the same symptoms as kawebb (@kawebb) 1 month, 4 weeks ago

    “I updated to version 1.2.5 today and I got the same issue as @majkelruffin but I solved it by creating a cache directory, but it does’t seem as its parsing the new SASS I create. I do’t get any error messages and in the inspector it shows the old code but if I click on the link to the .scss file in the inspector it shows my new code. Any idea how I can solve it?”

    I’m using this plugin with this one for the Oxygen builder.

    I’ve used them on other 2 website and it worked well, but now it does not work well.



    You’re welcome @makane-wp ??

    @aqziany If you’re comfortable editing plugin files, give this solution a try, it worked for me:

    Alternatively, I put together a pastebin since I ended up applying this fix for all the sites I have WP-SCSS installed, you can just replace all the content in class/class-wp-scss.php:



    The simple solution is to add:

    define('WP_SCSS_ALWAYS_RECOMPILE', true); on you wp-config.php file.

    It will solve the issue.

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