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  • Same problem here – just updated to the latest version a couple of minutes ago and now all pages are blank.

    Any ideas…?

    Same here. is empty after the update to Can′t login to backend to deactivate the plugin. We are locked out. Please, Yoast help.

    Some Thing


    Sigh…. Pathetic QA.

    1. Navigate to the plugins directory of your WP instance
    2. Move wordpress-seo directory to wordpress-seo.bkp
    3. Access the WP Admin GUI and disable the plugin
    4. Back in the CLI or FTP client, move wordpress-seo.bkp back to wordpress-seo
    5. From the WP Admin GUI uninstall the plugin
    6. Download an older version and install it until they fix this mess

    Just had the same happen to me. Go to your host’s login page, access wp-content, plugins, and delete the SEO by Yoast file. This will re-grant you access to your website, as well as your dashboard. I expect Yoast to provide an update soon.

    Some Thing


    @solidewij: wrong.
    The right way is to do like I said above.

    Tracy Levesque


    ?????? YIKES, Inc. Co-Owner

    I got a whitescreen as well after updating.

    Plugin Support Taco Verdonschot


    What version of WordPress SEO is causing this problem?

    A white screen in WordPress usually means a fatal error, so you be able to see it in your error log or server log. Can you please copy/paste that information in this topic?

    Same here. Update just gave me a white screen. Had to disable then install older version.




    Empty white screen instead of dashboard.

    Reverted back to previous version.

    If it helps, this is the error I get when attempting to update to on WP 4.1.1:

    Fatal error: Class 'WPSEO_Options' not found in (file path) wp-seo-main.php on line 134

    Plugin Support Taco Verdonschot


    @kyle Phillips: That indeed helps. It looks like your WordPress installation cached the erroneous version. Can you please do the following:

    • Log in to your admin.
    • Go to Dashboard -> Updates.
    • Click ‘Check for updates’
    • Retry updating WordPress SEO to version

    Does that solve the problem for you?

    Happened to be Version… I followed the steps Some Thing provided above until step 4, then updated to version, now everything works fine again.

    @tacoverdo. That worked – update is now installing/activating without errors. Thx!

    Tracy Levesque


    ?????? YIKES, Inc. Co-Owner

    The update to version fixed it for me. Thanks!

    on some sitres after update blank pages and alram logged:
    [23-Feb-2015 14:36:19 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Class ‘WPSEO_Options’ not found in /home/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/wp-seo-main.php on line 21

    Deleting plugin fix it.


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