Ah. gotcha.
Installed the plugin, very nice. I made a template for it and a new page using that template.
Though I did hack the plugin code, and it might be something you consider to add.
In the output as table display, you don’t have the option to exclude the plugin author column like you did if you output it as a list.
I added the code in so I could turn off the author field. In the theme I’m using, having it display the plugin name, description and author was cutting off part of the text.
You can see an example here
This is what I changed.
// Takes the plugin array and outputs it as a table
function output_table($tabledetails = '', $displaydescription = TRUE, $displayversion = TRUE, $displayauthor = TRUE) {
// Set a default table style for when it's not specified
if ($tabledetails == '') $tabledetails = 'width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3"';
echo '<table ' . $tabledetails . ">n <tr class="pluginheader">n <th>" . __('Plugin') . "</th>n";
if ($displayversion == TRUE) echo ' <th>' . __('Version') . "</th>n";
if ($displayauthor == TRUE) echo ' <th>' . __('Author') . "</th>n";
if ($displaydescription == TRUE) echo ' <th>' . __('Description') . "</th>n";
echo " </tr>n";
foreach($this->plugindata as $plugin_name => $plugin_details) {
$rowstyle = ($rowstyle == 'class="pluginrow"') ? 'class="pluginrowalt"' : 'class="pluginrow"';
echo " <tr $rowstyle>n";
echo " <td>";
echo ($plugin_details['plugin']) ? $plugin_details['plugin'] : ' ';
echo "</td>n";
if ($displayversion == TRUE) {
echo " <td>";
echo ($plugin_details['version']) ? $plugin_details['version'] : ' ';
echo "</td>n";
if ($displayauthor == TRUE) {
echo " <td>";
echo ($plugin_details['author']) ? $plugin_details['author'] : ' ';
echo "</td>n";
if ($displaydescription == TRUE) {
echo " <td>";
echo ($plugin_details['description']) ? $plugin_details['description'] : ' ';
echo "</td>n";
echo " </tr>n";
echo "</table>n";