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  • @alfredo49, honestly, we’re just holding out for a few more people to test. So far, @ dudekpj is the only person who has responded to our request for testers. If we release this with bugs we’ll be inundated with urgent messages. We’d rather be slow to release and release something solid.

    Have you tested the new version?


    I just downloaded the beta and will test as much as I can, we use this plugin a lot and we want to move to 3.5 ASAP, so I’ll report any bugs I run into.



    So far noticed the following bugs:
    – In size, only Custom and Full Size work. The Thumbnail, Medium and Large items appear to do nothing.
    – Changing the alignment dropdown reports this error in the console:
    Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method ‘changeImgAlign’. Seems to actually work correctly however.

    Also the following nitpicks:
    – When inserting a large image, the preview is far too large and makes the widget huge. It crops the width so it fits in the widget. Some sort of max height when it crops vertically would be nice.
    – If ‘Upload’ could change to ‘Change’ or something when there’s already an image that would be great.
    – Come to think of it, ‘Upload’ doesn’t seem appropriate, since you can pick already uploaded images. ‘Insert’, ‘Pick’ or ‘Add’ would be more accurate in my opinion.

    One feature request:
    – Would be great if the Link field had the option to pick from a dropdown of existing pages. I don’t trust our clients to know how to use the link field properly when linking to their own site. Would also make going off the staging domain easier.

    This is all with no other plugins and running Twenty Twelve. Will activate rest of our plugins and report back.

    Also, I’m very happy with the change to fields not changing with a new image.

    Awesome! Thanks!

    No problem, I edited my feedback into my previous post. Just posting this in case you’ve got a notification set up and don’t catch the edit.


    Update: Doesn’t appear to be any issues with our other plugins/theme. So it’s just those issues I mentioned above.

    @jakept, this is very helpful! Thanks!

    Curious about the medium / thumb issue. It was working fine for us. Are you sure that thumb and medium images aren’t defined as the same size as each other in your media settings? When you save the image widget and view on the front end, are you sure that the actual images being called aren’t different? Is it possible that the theme is displaying them the same even though they are actually different sizes?

    Love the nit picks. We’ll definitely be adding those updates.

    The link url one is a great idea but might wait until a future release since it’s not essential that it happen in this particular update.


    My media settings are the defaults, thumb 150, medium 300 etc.

    I’ll go through my actions and their results:
    – Choose 3200 x 2000 image, default size is Full Size. Original file being used on front end.
    – Change size to Thumbnail, press save. Preview does not change. No errors in console. Original file being used on front end.
    – Change size to Medium, press save. Exact same situation as Thumbnail.
    – Change size to Large, press save. Exact same situation as Thumbnail.
    – Change size to Custom, enter 320 x 200, press save. Preview changes to match. Original full-size file being used on front-end, size reduced by inline css.
    – Refreshed widgets page.
    – Change size to Thumbnail. Preview unchanged, original file being used on front end with size reduced to previous custom setting (320 x 200) with inline CSS.
    – Repeat whole process but with image uploaded for first time with Image Widget, no difference.

    I took a look at the uploads folder to make sure all the appropriate versions have been generated by WP in the first place and they have been.

    That is super super helpful! Thanks!

    No problem, happy to help. Thanks for working to get this ready for 3.5!

    @ JakePT, We’ve implemented all the bug fixes from your note. Are you down to retest and confirm that all is well?


    Sure, is it the same link as above?




    Everything seems to be working great!

    Tried in vanilla WP 3.5 and an install with all my normal plugins.

    Hi, I tried the dev version too, all seems to be working fine in my custom theme.


    Is there an ETA on when this will get a proper update? Cheers.

    Image Widget 4.0 is live! Thank you all for your help!

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