Thanks AdsensePlugin, and you don’t have to apologize for any delayed replies, all is well. So, CTR have improved the past 7 days since I implemented the 336×280 text only at top of post. For my site which I mentioned at the beginning of this thread, am using the same color as the links on the site (blue) for the top post text ad (though ad url color is light black/smoke-gray). However, since I use an ad rotator, I’ll be creating another 336×280 text ad that would be all black, and see how both converts with a 50/50 rotation ratio.
A question: I have a 160×600 adsense on the same site sidebar (text&image), but I have been thinking about making it an image only ad since my top post ad is text only. Would you recommend that? Any opinion is well appreciated.
P.S: I’m still unable to find someone to create a logo for my site in question. Though I have Photoshop CS5 extended, and could probably create one myself, but lack of time is preventing me from channeling my brain in order to implement a brand-able logo.
Looking to pay a small fee for a simple logo design. If there’s anyone you know who might be interested in the offer, refer me. Thanks.