• Admins – Please don’t delete this. Let members make thier own choice in where they get their support.
    A lot of people have recently complained that the software used to power this forum lacks the features, performance, and security that many of us want in a support forum. The administrators of this forum have refused to even acknowledge the requests of many of it’s own members to add features that would really benefit seinor members and newbies alike, or to swich to another forum software. Many of the packages available are free, and have importers available that would make it easy to switch. It seems like the admins simply do not care to have a forum that is useful, since this software lacks so many useful features, such as the ability to post php code, send private messages, and use e-mail notification. To fill the void, I have started an “unofficial ” WordPress Support Forum that uses the excellent vBulletin software, and I will actually listen to my users and try to implement any of their suggestions. Please visit us @ the URL below until our new domain propegates. The new domain is wp-forums.org.
    Happy Posing

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  • Troll here!
    WillM why don’t you post your site so we can geta glimpse your your web prowess (“a superior skill that you can learn by study and practice and observation”). Post your website, post something resembling a helpful solution, post in tone thats not condescending or stay on the sidelines.

    I seem to have missed the link to your own superbly crafted site in the post demanding the URL of my personal blog. Try posting it again. If you’re having trouble making a link, maybe this will help. It seems to be pitched at about your level.

    May I know where this forum is located. Some of the posts from this thread seem to have gone missing (pruning of old posts, perhaps)

    What’s up with this thread? Where is the initial introductory post and where are the links?

    The first post I see is from Matt who says the thread will not be deleted.

    However apparently all the posts before that post have already been deleted ??

    …but the thread is still intact. ??

    When the forum switched from minibb to bbpress, a number of posts were lost. There were almost exclusively the first posts in threads – the fact that it happened to this one is not indicative of deliberate deletion.

    rohitkumar, I found a post with the URL – however, I got a 404. Also, this search yielded a result, but again, a 404 error.

    A long while back someone started an “unofficial WP forum” using vBulletin but it eventually went 404 for lack of interest. This may have been the thread that announced it. The link wasn’t scrubbed away by the good folks of WP back then so I doubt a conspiracy over it now. ??

    Nope. Its not a controversy or anything… Just the lack of interest. Well, nevermind then…

    Re: “deleted” posts.
    There was an overhaul (update?) of the forum a few months ago and during that process many old threads lost their second post (that’s the most typical); others also lost more than one post.
    Nothing is perfect…

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