New YITH WooCommerce Ajax Navigation announcement
Dear users,
we would like to inform you that the YITH WooCommerce Ajax Navigation plugin will change its name in YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter from the next update.
In addition to the name, with the new release the plugin textdomain will change too from “yit” to “yith_wc_ajxnav”.
This modification solves the issues about textdomain conflicts generated by some translation/multilanguage plugins you have identified in the past weeks.
It may be possible that, updating the plugin, some language files will not be recognized by WordPress. In this case, you will just have to rename the language files in the correct format, changing the old textdomain with the new one.
For example, if your language files were named yit-en_GB.po and, you will just have to rename them respectively in yith_wc_ajxnav-en_GB.po and
After renaming the files, you can update/translate the .po file following the classic procedure for translations.
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