• I’ve got a simple little site that right now is a mixture of WordPress and handmade HTML that looks like WordPress.

    I’m running 3.1, with the following plugins:
    Advertising Manager
    All in One SEO Pack
    HTML Javascript Adder
    Mingle Forum
    Simple Tags
    TinyMCE Advanced
    Ultimate Google Analytics

    Both my WordPress address and my Site address are set to https://leowadsworth.com/blog

    I have one WordPress page for the Mingle Forum at /blog/forum

    I have handmade pages at

    I really need to keep my URLs the same for the content. My main blog page is at /blog with almost 300 posts, and I want a homepage without a blog on it. However, I would love to bring my handmade pages into WordPress to make it easier to maintain.

    Two Questions: How *should* I have set it up, and is there any way to bring my errant pages into the fold?

    -lee- (aka The Opinionated Webguy)

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