I just added HTML modules onto my sidebar and stuck in a load of HTML code for links to pages i’d created. I was a total newbie 3 months back but check out https://www.trailofants.com and see what you think, if that’s what you’re trying to achieve.
I use the K2 theme with various plug-ins and have barely touched anything in the background. True, my site isn’t flashy, but it’s simple and fresh. With all due respect to this forum, i think there are too many people at an advanced stage and newbie’s generally get baffled by 1000 different overtly-technical “solutions” which is often put across in a snobby “oh, don’t you know the basics?” kind of way.
The beauty of WordPress for me is the amount of plug-ins that just make things happen (in fairness- created by the “overtly-technical guru’s!) leaving me to get on with the main job-in-hand… content.